
Showing posts from December, 2011

Three Social Thunderstorms George Colony Forrester Research

[youtube] Forrester's CEO, George Colony outlined three social "thunderstorms" at LeWeb (2011) approaching the tech & business world. Watch the video before reading the comments :) Thunderstorm 1:  The Death of the Web The application economy has the potential to tap both processing power and the cloud to change the Web. This will be a move away from a client/server model to something more cleaver… Things to think about from me as I am not sure it is this simple… I agree with the move away from Client/Server for some apps services, however there are a number of balances 1.  user experience vs security – this is always a balance and depends on more than where the processing power is 2.  scale vs fragmentation – control does offer a few things, think…Apple iOS vs Google Andriod 3.  access speed vs cost – not everyone can afford everything 4.  data vs rights – stop pushing data and just send links and seek the rights 5

The Blessing And Curse Of Being A Millennial

You heard constantly about the millennial generation--that they're tech-savvy, and different from everyone that came before. It's not just hype, or vanity on the part of the youngsters: People who are 18-29 right now have markedly different attitudes, beliefs, and mores than any generation preceding them. More on their lifestyle, education and work are here

Alternative Approach to Privacy: AMP v Persons Unknown

AMP v Person’s Unknown [2011] EWHC 3454 (TCC) Essentially AMP either lost or had her mobile phone stolen (it was reported as stolen with the police) and with it sexually explicit images of the claimant - although the judgement is not clear we can assume she was " sexting " her boyfriend. It is clear that (a) AMP owned the copyright in these images and (b) they were private images obtained illegally via the theft. Soon thereafter the images appeared on a Dutch file hosting site for a short period but were removed from there at the request of the claimant but not before the images had been downloaded by others. As the judgement makes clear a number of blackmail demands followed, possibly from the same person. ……Whilst you cannot ask Torrent Trackers or the providers of Torrent Clients to block as they essentially cannot do so due to

How big is the potential of Big Data?


Santa has been released following payment of fines over data breaches

Global News – After a very busy month, Mr S. Claus was caught sleeping and was easily captured earlier this week according to Mr Jobs Worth who today announced a payments of fines levied against him for infringement and violations of the personal privacy, entering without permission, setting off alarms, storing data and keeping lists of the naughty and good.  “Mr. S. Claus has been collecting children’s preferences for toys and tracking their behaviour so as to judge and maintain a data base of naughtiness and niceness, without the necessary licences.  Further holding this personally identifiable information, including all children’s names, addresses, and ages is against the law. He has solicited this information on and off line, in some cases passing data to third parties so they may fulfil children’s wishes.” Mr Sad Person who led the global collaborative investigation by the US and EU government, also confirmed that “Mr Clause has been entering houses using this information and

Playing with @ResumUp

Been playing with ResumUP – a site to try and make your CV look a little more interesting that a side of A4 ….

What Google discovered about us in 2011

Google has unique insight into the spirit of the times from a good % of the world. Trending Google searches of the year are a glimpse into what's we have been draw towards by “traditional media” and amplified by digital.  For the past 10 years, Google has published a year-end Zeitgeist report on the major search trends around the world. Whilst the number one trending search was Rebecca Black (fully digital not traditional push) this years site is dynamic, detailed and easy to explore. Drilling down by region reveals some timely insights into what interested the wired world in 2011. Your digital footprint is part of this data……

rewatching @DickHardt Identity 2.0 keynote as a benchmark of direction


# Kontakt Charts Your iPhone Contacts - data is beautiful

[youtube] Mobiles automatically soak up the metadata associated with every incoming call, email, or text message, it's not uncommon to have way to may in a contacts list.  Leo van der Veen is behind Kontakt which scans the contact list in your iPhone and reformulates them into a simple playful interface where your phone numbers include bold colour bar charts and line graphs, as well as less obvious visualizations like extruded pie charts and illustrations of daisies. Whilst Kontakt is more art than tool – it does remind us of the uses of data.

EU Digital Agenda Progress Report 2011

The annual report provides (Dec 2011) an overview of progress on the actions of the Digital Agenda for Europe, updating the list of completed actions since the Digital Agenda Scoreboard in May 2011, and outlining the work ahead. This document is part of the efforts of the European Commission on the implementation and governance of the Digital Agenda, further to other activities in 2011 including the Digital Agenda Scoreboard, the Digital Agenda Assembly, and the Digital Agenda Going Local. The overall aim of the Digital Agenda is to deliver sustainable economic and social benefits from a digital single market based on fast and ultra fast internet and interoperable applications. The Digital Agenda is a key component of the Europe 2020 strategy to provide growth and jobs in a sustainable and inclusive manner.

EU Digital Agenda Progress Report 2011

The annual report provides (Dec 2011) an overview of progress on the actions of the Digital Agenda for Europe, updating the list of completed actions since the Digital Agenda Scoreboard in May 2011, and outlining the work ahead. This document is part of the efforts of the European Commission on the implementation and governance of the Digital Agenda, further to other activities in 2011 including the Digital Agenda Scoreboard, the Digital Agenda Assembly, and the Digital Agenda Going Local. The overall aim of the Digital Agenda is to deliver sustainable economic and social benefits from a digital single market based on fast and ultra fast internet and interoperable applications. The Digital Agenda is a key component of the Europe 2020 strategy to provide growth and jobs in a sustainable and inclusive manner.

EU Digital Agenda Progress Report 2011

The annual report provides (Dec 2011) an overview of progress on the actions of the Digital Agenda for Europe, updating the list of completed actions since the Digital Agenda Scoreboard in May 2011, and outlining the work ahead. This document is part of the efforts of the European Commission on the implementation and governance of the Digital Agenda, further to other activities in 2011 including the Digital Agenda Scoreboard, the Digital Agenda Assembly, and the Digital Agenda Going Local. The overall aim of the Digital Agenda is to deliver sustainable economic and social benefits from a digital single market based on fast and ultra fast internet and interoperable applications. The Digital Agenda is a key component of the Europe 2020 strategy to provide growth and jobs in a sustainable and inclusive manner.

EU Digital Agenda Progress Report 2011

The annual report provides (Dec 2011) an overview of progress on the actions of the Digital Agenda for Europe, updating the list of completed actions since the Digital Agenda Scoreboard in May 2011, and outlining the work ahead. This document is part of the efforts of the European Commission on the implementation and governance of the Digital Agenda, further to other activities in 2011 including the Digital Agenda Scoreboard, the Digital Agenda Assembly, and the Digital Agenda Going Local. The overall aim of the Digital Agenda is to deliver sustainable economic and social benefits from a digital single market based on fast and ultra fast internet and interoperable applications. The Digital Agenda is a key component of the Europe 2020 strategy to provide growth and jobs in a sustainable and inclusive manner.

EU Digital Agenda Progress Report 2011

The annual report provides (Dec 2011) an overview of progress on the actions of the Digital Agenda for Europe, updating the list of completed actions since the Digital Agenda Scoreboard in May 2011, and outlining the work ahead. This document is part of the efforts of the European Commission on the implementation and governance of the Digital Agenda, further to other activities in 2011 including the Digital Agenda Scoreboard, the Digital Agenda Assembly, and the Digital Agenda Going Local. The overall aim of the Digital Agenda is to deliver sustainable economic and social benefits from a digital single market based on fast and ultra fast internet and interoperable applications. The Digital Agenda is a key component of the Europe 2020 strategy to provide growth and jobs in a sustainable and inclusive manner.

success in a connect world - via @rossdawson

More from Ross at and

The Business Of Illegal Data: Innovation From The Criminal Underground who want your data @futurecrimes

Introducing the idea of CaaS “Crime as a Service” Why rob a bank “that is where the money is” Why worry about Big Data “that is where the value is” [youtube] Marc Goodman is a global thinker, writer and consultant focused on the profound change technology is having on crime security, business and international affairs. Over the past 20 years, he has built his expertise in cyber crime, cyber terrorism and critical infrastructure protection working with organizations such as INTERPOL, the United Nations and NATO. Marc frequently consults with global policy makers, security executives and industry leaders on technology-related security threats and has operated in nearly seventy countries around the world. From Strata Summit

Digital Identity Book by Clare Sullivan

Image Free PDF download of the book is here A new legal concept of identity "In today's digital environment the concept of identity is an issue of much greater complexity than it was in the days of the offline world. Our digital identity can exist in many forms and for many different purposes. Its existence on the Web becomes a currency that can be unscrupulously traded and abused. It has never been more important to protect the concept of "who we are". We are at the beginning of a new discipline of Web Science in which such issues need to be researched across disciplines. This text offers an excellent starting point for work in this area." Professor Stephen Saxby, School of Law, University of Southampton   This is a study of digital identity in a transactional context, from a legal perspective.   Clare Sullivan&#

Retail stores are watching you more than you think

BusinessWeek  reports  on retailers’ use of RetailNext camera surveillance software to glean intelligence from shoppers’ behaviour.  The software takes a video feed to analyze customer behaviour.  RetailNext  is a real-time in-store monitoring, enabling retailers and manufacturers to collect, analyze and visualize in-store data.”  RetailNext’s software can integrate data from hardware such as RFID chips and motion sensors to track customers’ movements.  The company explains that it “tracks more than 20 million shoppers per month by collecting data from more than 15,000 sensors in retail stores.”  Its service apparently helps stores figure out where to place certain merchandise to boost sales.  3VR is used by T-Mobile to track how people move around their stores, how long they stand in front of displays, and which phones they pick up and for how long.  3VR is testing facial-recognition software that can identify shoppers’ gender and approximate age.   Radical point: facial recognit

What can I guess from your wrapping paper choice?

So it is reported that Amazon is guessing your faith/ religion from your gift wrap choice. Whilst Amazon is already the best at mining your data for recommendation and behavioural insights based on for shopping habits, location, music taste and who influence you – this one is an interesting slant.  But what to they do with it, unless it helps with improving the recommendation and removing certain titles that could be offensive. The question is therefore not about privacy but about who has the rights to filter what I see. This was explored at length in The Filter Bubble By Eli Pariser and whilst I did not agree with the entire book, the idea of someone’s code (and ethics) being my filter does worry me .

EFF 2011 in Review: Nymwars - Personal comments

2011 in Review: Nymwars Original post below is from = , my comments in pink. As the year draws to a close, EFF is looking back at the major trends influencing digital rights in 2011 and discussing where we are in the fight for a free expression, innovation, fair use, and privacy. This year, Google launched its social networking site, Google Plus. Many Facebook users concerned about the site’s history of privacy violations and Facebook's “real name policy,” which makes it a violation of Facebook’s terms of service to go by a name other than the one on their government-issued ID, were especially excited about the possibility of an alternative social network. Millions of users immediately flocked to Google Plus, setting up accounts, and praising Google's responsiveness. Upon hearing criticism from women and the LGBT community that the “gender” field of all Google Plus profiles was public,  Google acted quickly to give

Reflecting on last years personal predictions....

Reflecting on Predictions from 2010/ 2011 and thinking for 2012 My Digital FootPrint – what is it and who owns it?   Probably not moved on as much as I expected, but ownership is still a central theme being debated. Voice innovation could it follow web and mobile? I was not thinking about SIRI (love that this is IRIS backwards and it is watching you) – I was thinking about the explosion of voice innovation that SIRI may now open up. Google Phone and what makes mobile unique? Still feel lots of special features but nothing so unique that marketing can get to work. Net neutrality – where is the end game? Has only got more complex and lots of end games! Advertising is for the economically viable – will this lead to the true digital divide? Nothing happened on this topic at any level. Trusted brokers for the attention barter – who will win the honest and trusted broker brand war? Spot on for topic but did not get as far as I thought. Social reputations, what are they and do they h

How many of us are seaching for knowledge on Digital Footprints?


presentations from Location and cyber privacy in the digital age

A Fine Balance 201: Location and Cyber Privacy in the Digital Age, that was held on 12th December 2011 They have now put the presentations from the event onto _Connect, and they are available here . Keynote 1: Location and cyber privacy in the digital age Jonathan Bamford - ICO Keynote 2: 'Every Step You Take': Geo Apps in the Business World Richard Hollis - ISACA Brokering as a solution to location privacy Jonathan Raper - Placr Rethinking location - designing for privacy and trust Patrick Walshe - GSMA A Framework for Data Protection Clive Blackwell - Oxford Brookes University Location Data Stewart Room - Field Fisher Waterhouse Safeguarding children's privacy in social media Chris Atkinson - UK Council for Child Internet Safety The Digital Society Dave Coplin - Microsoft Who Knows What You Did Last Summer? An overview of mobile privacy research Blaine Price - Open University 'Stop Stal

Is facebook too sticky even if I can move my data?

Image source   Right now I have way too many applications that interact with each other from Twitter and Facebook for login credentials to many sites, deep integration with PayPal, Google and Posterous, and how my credibility, reputation or influence as measured by Klout or PeerIndex will change depending on what I connect.  As my social media tools has swopped from the destination (connections and updates) to authentication, so in my laziness I have become stuck (in a rut). I want a new key stoke to the above; “Laziness” But I find division and confusion reign in all directions. As I post from my Blog here at My Digital Footprint, as this gets carried across G+, Linkedin, Twitter and Facebook – comments come back from every angle which means spreading the message is easy (distribution and broadcast), collation of comments input and feedback is hard and difficult.  Everything is linked but just enough to make it sticky, if Sticky is too difficult to move (e.g Bank

Who are the best start-ups in identity, data, privacy, trust, PII.. .. #PDEC @identitywoman

There are now 19 companies listed as part of the PDEC start-up circle These companies are developing the tools and systems for personal control over personal data. Architecting user-managed systems to track and manage a new asset class with value in the billions: personal data. Privacy protections are just the tip of the iceberg; the industry of managing these assets wisely is in the process of creating new economic opportunities and is a magnet for talent and capital.  Do you want to join in, be listed, tell us what you are doing ?

Frontier: comprehensive service in the emerging personal data services and eco-system space. @identitywoman

Identity Woman has been working hard and should be delighted with the new site, style and content from PDEC . There is also a new subscription information source called the Personal Data Frontier which delivers the most comprehensive service in this emerging personal data services and eco-system space. Frontier offers in-depth analysis and news on personal data like no other publication does, or can. The Frontier provides invaluable leverage to those in the vanguard of developing and delivering solutions and services in the personal data ecosystem. The Internet Society ( ISOC ) is funding PDEC’s research on the industry practices and trends the Frontier will regularly examine and interpret. Each monthly issue boosts your sector intelligence with insightful, broad-based, and knowledgeable reporting. We do the legwork so you can focus on making the most profitable use of what we reveal in your sphere. There is a special offer for the first 20 subscribers. Disclosure : I am a board

Growing Up Policed - The MyDigitalFootprint.ORG Project via @gdonovan

Presentation by Gregory Donovan given at “Growing Up Policed: Surveilling Racialized Sexualities” Mini-Conference (New York & Oregon) As producers of their own social network, members of the Youth Design and Research Collective experience how they are participants in cyberspace and thus co-constructors of their own digital footprints. This presentation will address how such consciousness reframes informational capitalism and encourages young people to see themselves as self-possessed social actors, while also providing a framework for youth to address their own concerns with privacy, property, and security in the cyberspace. Gregory T. Donovan is a Ph.D. candidate in Environmental Psychology. His research focuses on the political ecology of informational capitalism and operates at the intersection of Urban Studies, Youth Studies, and Internet Studies. His dissertation, / , is a participatory action res

Just looking at the new web interface for Social, Geo and DataMarketplace from @infochimps - very cool

Just looking at the new web interface for Social ,  Geo  and  Data Marketplace  from infochimps – very cool

love it how the EU using tracking tools but campigns for Do Not Track....


Data is the new gold, comments on speech by @NeelieKroesEU

Neelie Kroes Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda Data is the new gold Opening Remarks, Press Conference on Open Data Strategy Brussels, 12th December 2011 SPEECH/11/872 Brussels , 12th December 2011 Source Good morning everybody it is a pleasure to be here for such a positive announcement. Just as oil was likened to black gold, data takes on a new importance and value in the digital age. Web entrepreneurs assemble and sell content and applications and advertising, based on data. With those efforts they make our lives more convenient and they keep authorities accountable. They live on data, and increasingly so do the rest of us. (NO: WE LIVE ON THE ANALYSIS OF DATA) Today, I am proud to present an Open Data package that can drastically increase the possibilities for those web entrepreneurs; the opportunities of businesses, journalists, academics and all citizens, in fact, to generate new and rich content. (YIPEE) Today's package will

What are people doing online? infographic

wish it has asked “are lying about what they do on-line when questioned!”

When Big Data says Happy Christmas, what is the sentiment?

When Big Data says "Happy Christmas", what is the sentiment? I always say "Happy Christmas," however, this year as I write my chosen Christmas messages, I am forced to consider what someone else's algorithm will imply about me, based on my use of digital words. I want to explore in this ViewPoint, through the use of a "Happy Christmas" message, the level of TRUST already granted to something we cannot touch in a digital world. Scene setting - Trust and Sentiment Let's consider the word happy and what it could imply.  If we think about it, we know that taking the use of the word 'happy' out of context from Happy Christmas, we could imply wrongly that from its current abundance of use that everyone is now more happy.  It would not only be misleading but could lead to personalisation errors later. The same principle applies for the word 'merry', it would be wrong to assume that the current use of it means that we have all drunk more. T

2012 Innotribe Startup Challenge for FinTech is open

The 2012 Challenge is open to companies (including participants from 2011) working in financial technology or technology-enabled financial services including payments, securities, trading, social media tools, big data/data analytics, security, identity, b2b or b2b2c mobile, small business apps & services &/or IT infrastructure, and consulting or outsourcing firms remain ineligible. Early-stage applicants must be less than 3 years old and have less than $1M in combined revenue and investment in the last 12 months. Later-stage applicants may be of any maturity, but the product or service submitted for consideration must still be ‘under the radar’. The Innotribe Startup Challenge aims to fosters collaborative innovation between financial institutions and emerging innovators from around the world. -     The online application process is a 1 page questionnaire and a pitch deck to make things easier for applicants -     The 2012 Challenge awards provide greater exposure a

Heredity Influences Your Approach to Social Media

link to original article... When it comes to online interactions, just like any other interactions, your personality is a strong influence on your ability to be successful. Your personality, with all of its traits, is a huge influence on how others respond to you.  Connecting people When it comes to business networking and introductions being made, some people will be more likely than others to effectively help other people to widen their circle of business connections. Your personality will determine whether you will be comfortable with introducing people to other people. If you are a reserved individual, chances are very good that you won’t have a desire to put yourself in the spotlight. By introducing one person in your online social circle to another person in your online social circle, you are making yourself the center of attention. That may not be something about which you are comfortable. On the other hand, if you are an outgoing person, a person who lacks inhibitions, you will

I am speaking at Big Data next year

The conference is 19 th -20 th September 2012 and will be held at Chelsea Football Club. It will be the first European conference to cover the entire Big Data World Europe story from storage through analytics to real world application.

"Which developments could radically disrupt net neutrality towards more openness?"

image source:                                       For a forthcoming blog post/article Ajit is exploring the question "Which developments could radically disrupt net neutrality towards more openness?" On one hand, the regulatory arguments could chug along at a slow and bogged down by legal hurdles  and on the other hand, customers and others could change the game. His is looking for such game changers such as.... 1)  The Dutch net neutrality developments -  Net neutrality goes Dutch 2) The forthcoming BEREC report  Net neutrality gets European Parliament backing | ZDNet UK Lawless Net Neutrality vs. the “Resolution of Disapproval” – Forbes 3) The push for broadband – E U commissioner wants telecoms firms to boost broadband access   4)  A new converged regulator? (for media – consumer and telecoms) 5)  A new ‘alternate’ regulator -  There needs to be an Alternative Communications Providers Association (ACPA or OTTA) to counterbalance the GSMA 6)  FCC? – not radically disrupti

three TED talks worth spending 30 minutes with stats, lies and TV

have a play