Creating Flow. Exploring lockdown audio lag and my exhaustion
So the technical term for that delay or lag from then you finish speaking to you hearing when the next person speaks is wrapped up in an idea of “Latency”. Latency is measured in milliseconds (ms), which is thousandths of seconds . Latency for a face to face conversation is like zero. For say a landline call, it is defined by an ITU standard and is judged by the ability to offer a quality of service. Ideally, about 10ms will achieve the highest level of quality and feels familiar. A latency of 20 ms is tremendous and is typical for a VoIP call as it is perfectly acceptable. A latency of even 150 ms is, whilst noticeable, permitted, however, any higher delay or lag times and the quality diminishes very fast. At 300 ms or higher, latency becomes utterly unacceptable as a conversation becomes laboured, driven by interruptions and lack flow. We all know the phrases of “no-one left behind” or “you are only as strong as your weakest team member.” Well, the same...