Signals, spikes, pulses and waves are data that represent your real-time life and controlling them is game changing . The data that underpins signals, spikes, pulses and waves are in silos controlled by the likes of social media, TV, mobile and credit card companies who really don’t want to share, even though it is your data and you could benefit. Privacy as control There is a battle being fought for the protection of your data under the banner of privacy and tends to focus on your actual raw data ( think tweets, location, blogs, updates or Facebook status ) but do I really care about this short term, transient, real-time data or should I care more about what someone can do with the data. Yes control of the source prevents access but does not lead to control of the outcome, but when I consider that my data, on its own, has little value until it is put in context with others from my social group it changes my perception. Considering the central part of the diagram. Knowing that wi