Considering digital footprint within wider interdependencies: access, control, store, attributes and rights..
The definition of digital footprint DATA in the following blog is used with the most all embracing and generic meaning of data which includes all raw data (collected, implicit, implied, passive or active collection); meta-data (data that defines the data, tags and attributes about the data); and information, insight, knowledge derived from analysis. I start with an assumption that all digital footprint DATA has a creator (seller) and consumer (buyer) and all DATA needs context. The simple examples of content, you take a photo of me and share it or a transaction, I buy something; highlight a critical point, both the creator (seller) and consumer (buyer) have rights to the DATA. There are two special cases, one where the creator and consumer is the same body and the other where there is an intermediary or third party (buy something using credit). Irrespective of the structure there may need to be an agreement/ barter/ trade about the DATA and rights. Some of these agreements