Do consumers really care about data privacy?
privacy_stats_v2_072512 (1).pdf Download this file Placecast conducted a survey using Harris Interactive titled "Alert Shopper III." The survey was focused around data privacy and consumer views on companies dealing with personal consumer data. The results showed that U.S adults are more than twice as likely to trust Amazon with their personal data as they are Facebook. Grocery stores were rated as the most trustworthy in terms of consumer data usage when compared with Facebook, Amazon, Google, and cell phone providers. Here is the infographic The survey showed that 66 percent of U.S. adults who are aware of use of data by Amazon find Amazon’s use of personal data somewhat to very acceptable versus 33 percent saying the same for Facebook. More than three-quarters (81%) of U.S. adults who are aware of the use of this data said they were comfortable with a grocery store using their purchase information to deliver coupons tailored to them. Comparatively, just