
Showing posts from September, 2021

Where do utopia and dystopia collide?

Can we live at the peak paradox? Peak Paradox is the middlemost point of the model. It is the point where everything has equal weight in terms of policy, priority, resources, commitment, interest, data and consequences.  It is the area of a perfect storm.  It is a magical (or imaginary) place where you can have everything, everyone else can have everything, no one is fighting for survival, and every work situation thrives.  In reality, the converse is probably also true. It is where everyone fights for survival; I cannot get what I want, others have nothing and work is just meaningless. It is in between these two states of euphoria and despair that we spend our time.  Never reaching utopia but somehow constantly individual’s individual’s feeling one step closer to dystopia.  In this state, we have to decide how to allocate the limited resources we have to be able to change the situation (for the better.)   Whilst hard to accept, we actually don’t have the data, model or ability to al

Plotting ROI, and other measures for gauging performance on Peak Paradox

The purpose of this post is to plot where some ( there is way too many to do them all ) different investment measures align on the Peak Paradox model. It is not to explain in detail what all the measures means and their corresponding strength and weaknesses.  This is a good article if you want the latter for the pure financial ones. Key ROI , Return on Investment. IRR Internal Rate of Return.  RI Residual income. ROE Return on Equity. ROA Return on assets. ROCE  Return on Capital Employed.  ROT Return on Time. IR Impact return.  SV  Social Value.  AR Asset Returns. PER Portfolio Expected Return. SROI Social return on investment.  The observation is that we have not developed with any level of sophistication the same ability to measure or report on anything outside of finance, which we call “hard.”   By calling other important aspects of a decision “soft” we have framed them as less important and harder to agree on. 

Is it better to prevent or correct?

This link gives you access to all the articles and archives for </Hello CDO> “Prevention or Correction” is something society has wrestled with for a very long time. This article focuses on why our experience of “prevention or correction” ideas frames the CDO’s responsibilities and explores a linkage to a company’s approach to data. Almost irrespective of where you reside, we live with police, penal, and political systems that cannot fully agree on preventing or correcting. It is not that we disagree with the “why”; is it the “how” that divides us! I am a child of an age when lefthandedness was still seen as something to correct, so we have made some progress. A fundamental issue is that prevention is the best thinking; but if you prevent it, it does not occur. We are then left with the dilemma, “did you prevent it, or was it not going to occur anyway?” The finance team now ask, “Have we wasted resources on something that would not have happened?” When something we don’t lik