Digital Fabrication; Trend or Game Changer?

In order to survive, we must constantly be able to adapt our behaviour according to the changing environment, or we have to find a way to change the environment. We are not challenged by all the possible visions of what 2025 and beyond could be, but rather how do we make one or more of them a reality. Whilst there is a significant dependence on us in creating change, technology is making it faster and easier. The Internet and Web has transformed many processes and industries creating opportunity, change, uncertainty and risk. Much of this change has come from changes in the way services are built and offered, and fundamentally this change has been enabled through software platforms that scale. The economics of 'free' have emerged and are somewhat understood but the impact of this new model many would argue has not yet been fully recognised . Products, consumer equipment and technology hardware is starting to go through the same painful changes that ind...