reflecting on the #socialdilemma, do mirrors provide a true reflection?
This is a response to the filmmaker Jeff Orlowski Netflix documentary Social Dilemma . If you have not watched it yet, it is worth it. There are many write up’s, here are three of my picks one , two three . However, rather than write another commentary on the pros and cons of the movie, I wanted to reflect on the idea that Social Media is a reflection of society - as this is a core tenant on the work. The big theme is that all the platforms do is create a mirror reflecting back what society is like. However, there is more than one type of mirror! The play in our minds is that a mirror is a mirror and does what it says on the tin, it reflects. If true, job done as such and it makes no sense to read on. However, we know from CSI and other spy films there are one ways mirrors as well. If we look at Social Media only through the lens of a reflecting mirror; we certainly can’t blame anyone for any outcome but ourselves. But we intrinsically know that Social Media is not a