
Showing posts from 2019

Data is not Memory

“ Data is Data ” explored that data is not oil but that data is something that is unique and we should call it for what it is; #Data. The reason explained is that all the analogies: oil, gold, sunshine, commodities, time and labour, fail to bring out the uniqueness of data. Whilst the thinking explored in that post still stands, a year on I have to challenge one key assumption, which I will come to. I recently posted ideas of where memory comes from , and specifically the links between memory and identity. We have different types of “memory” for myself, society and nature and now data/ digital might be creating a new type of memory. The reason memory and its link to data is worth exploring is that both depend on relationships to derive “value.” Data without relationships is worthless. Memory without relationship (connection) is worthless. The assumption that we need to look, “In our complex digital world what type of “memory” do we want the system to have?” Memor

Is there a better M&A model ?

image source : Have been challenged to rethink certain growth models and the often significant issues created by: buy, merge and acquire thinking as opposed to invest and build.  The data (success as value created as realized in 3 years as per plan) from BigCo takes over MinnowCo is not good (1 in 10 achieve above plan), the same type of data from BigCo takes over SmallCo is no better with only 8 in 100 achieving plan.  Near equal size takeover/ merger of BigCo and BigCo is unknown on plan, but market data would suggest it is not great either.   On a pure financial measure as a decision, surly the risk class of M&A activity for value creation would be near junk level, In all other classes of risk - such activities would not be approved.  However, there is way more at stake than pure financial metrics such as exits, vesting, relalisable gain, bonuses and incentives.  Assumption 1 + 1 = 3.     A question is why is the purpose of

What type of memory does identity need?

Whilst the quote focuses on the human memory as a means to create personal identity, the question to be looked at is “What types of memory do we have”, and “what do these memory type mean for identity?” The types of memory we have is somewhat easier to break out and explore, in fact so are the types of identity. The core of this article is the thinking about complexity that arises when we explore the interaction between memory and identity. This is very much a thought piece that needs lots of debate, I hope this starts it. Memory Before we go to far, it is worth reading the wikipedia entry on all memory as it breaks out the many uses of the word in different contexts. Nature has a wide variety of memory techniques, but none of the naturally occurring ones are similar to the one we propose to create for digital identity (near perfect). Our existing paper identity systems are closer to nature than the digital one we propose; existing schemes generally get worse over time, solve

Governance : the new black

Digital and data can be viewed as enabling and world-making; or as disruptive and world-changing. In other words, the philosophy of digital and data is as formative as tech can get.  We know it is hard to make sense of this virtual digital world, in the same way it is for us to sense the roundness of our earth when we only see the flat horizons or indeed grasp the size of our galaxy or scale the universe.  The impact of digital is complex, ambiguous, dependent and uncertain.   The realisation of the impact of digital is not a science and right now requires judgment on behalf of leaders, pioneers and adventurers; as we as a society wrestle with the unknown benefits, complexity, compromises and problems digital life throws up. The maturing of making everything digital means that we now have to understand and address a new culture, value system, purpose and governance; but when? Whilst there is no right time for everyone, as attention depends on the adoption to a specific marke

From dystopia to utopia in 8 easy steps

Here is a possible, step by step, idea to go from dytopia of data to utopia of data, the assumption being that the absence of privacy, security and trust is dystopia and if we had them all at an individual level we would be on a path to a better data world.  Therefore if we want to end with Privacy, Security and Trust and start with nothing, what does the journey look like by guaranteeing different functions.  Worry less about agreeing with my commentary, what and who would you put in each scenario?

As an executive, investor or board member; how should we interrupt, position and understand AI?

  Image source: and updates The purpose of this article is to provide a framework which gives you a clear and coherent communication tool to assess or position any AI initiative. The positioning will be on the continuum of AI will either save the human race from extinction or be our nemesis, causing our very eradication. The framework is built on an explanation of how value is created using an economic model that provides for both stability (BAU) and change (disruption). Critically explored is how the choice is made between the stable and change models. Through exploring stable, change and choice we unpack how the outcome of an AI project can lead to growth and prosperity or dystopia and destruction. The simplest economic model Figure 1 presents a very simple process. Raw materials are an input to a process called gain , which creates

“Possible Minds” 25 ways of looking at AI edited by John Brockman

“ Possible Minds ” 25 ways of looking at AI edited by John Brockman One of the best books on AI, right now in 2019, not because of its technical deep views but because it presents many (25) arguments about different aspects of AI and why there cannot be one unified vision or view. It is one to read, just because at the end you have more questions you don’t have answers to; which is a Richard Feynman quote in parts. It does allow you to explore your own views about AI, you will align to different parts of the viewpoints presented, indeed you will create a mashup of them all where you feel comfortable. The take away from the book is the framework and not the content from reading this book, the challenge laid down to keep up with the 25 themes are they develop, morph, link, combine, fraction and fork; especially the ones you find are at conflict with your own view and belief will be the most difficult, and there are lots. Below is for me, some personal, interruption and thinking

Data Portability and Privacy

#facebook published “ Charting a Way Forward on Privacy and Data Portability ” on 4/10/19 however it is *not* a white paper but a document seeking free guidance and input. In their own words “To address these challenges, we’re seeking feedback and guidance from a wide range of stakeholders about how to build portability in a way that empowers people and fosters competition while maintaining their trust in online services” I have, like many others, given a lot of input over the years to Facebook for free via invites to brainstorms, private sessions and roundtables. In all cases massive promises are made by #Facebook about what next but they never deliver. No papers, no summary, no write up, no thanks – nothing. I set out my thinking on the #facebook data portability paper at the end as interest to those who might also read the paper. I have been exploring the topic of data portability for some time. This piece explores the strategic opinions for market models and the regulators stanc

Marketing data lies and photo evidence proof - Uber drivers are not there. #whoelse

Often I logged into Uber - the marketing says lots of cars near me right now and you book only to wait 10 minutes for a car.   By chance I was above the road when about to book recently.  I took three pictures on one phone, whilst in the Uber app on the other phone.  I took a screen shot from Uber app and their data showing cars right outside - at the same time as the empty road.   Were the Ubers parked, no, they were apparently driving past as I watched them move. I booked my Uber and the nearest driver was 8 minutes away..... I repeated the test a few time, making sure the road was empty.  Same results. Now wonder what rules they are using to show me the cars, what rules are they bending to market their services and what ethics they are using.

What is “the future of money?”

So many wise words and wisdom's have been shared and debated on the topic of the future of money, along with numerous books and research papers on the same topic. I have reviewed much of what has been said over the past few years and surely the first question is. “Is there anything new to say?” Whilst walking recently with a good friend Celia Gates we explored the question using her Whether Forecasting model and here is some fresh thinking. “The future of money”; is the wrong question! Money was and remains amongst other things a method of exchange. If money had stayed as only a mechanism of exchange; kind of like what we created it for, we would not be where we are today with the economy we have and the freedoms we enjoy. Money had to and has become an object or an entity . An entity is a thing with distinct and independent existence. Money exists for money itself, it creates itself, it has value in of itself. Money is therefore both an exchange and is something in its own righ

Status update on automated decisions and algorithms

The problem defined by responses   We don't know how automated decisions are being made We don't know what the impact of the automated decisions is / are We don't have a complete map of where the automated decisions are We have little to no qualified insight into the effects on the business or our customers There is no reporting to management when automated decisions have problems - as we don't know when it does There is a sense of trust in the (cto, cio, coo) that they will be on top of it We have no idea about bias in the original algorithm, data set and what updates changes have been made and the effect How our automated decisions effect people in the organisation and their behavior has not been qualified excellent writing and thinking on automated decisions and algorithms htt

Imaging Digital Strategy starting from TRUST

The purpose of this post is to set out the logic and background thinking to help create a digital strategy based on the concept of consumer TRUST. By the end you should have a framework to debate internal assumptions and hurdles which may be preventing your organisation from realising a transformation to digital thinking. A post exploring the consumer TRUST and why they matter is linked here. If your not sure about the types of consumer trust that exist, please do read that one first. This post starts out by looking at the strategic options which have dominated management thinking for over 50 years and how they are challenged by platforms and Data; including Big Data. It considers what happens if companies maintain existing strategies and styles, since these dominant forces (strategy and style) have path dependency (as in the economic definition). There is a recognition that the pressure of short term reporting and financial planning, with linear models, leads to a lack of appet