
Showing posts from May, 2012

Had not realised how big "google me" had become until I did it on YouTube

Worth doing a search for “Google Me” on YouTube Or via Google Trends

How The Internet Is Ruining Your Brain


How Early Adoption Has Increased Wealth - until now

Source: Societies that are better at utilizing tools are likely to be more productive. The authors have studied when 161 countries adopted 104 technologies over the past 200 years, and they conclude that profound economic advantages-as measured by per capita income-accrue to early adopters of technology. vision.pdf Download this file

Laws of Relationships

I met Mike Neuenschwander at EIC for the first time, his presentation on Scaling Identity, Access, and Audit Controls is here and taken to reading some of his older work and some more recent works …..liking his thinking.

via AVG A guide for parents, putting yourself in your kids' digital shoes

Set of booklets from AVG ( I know JR the CEO) published here A guide for parents, putting yourself in your kids’ digital shoes Parents, teens and online safety limits - a guide for parents Parenting dilemmas for the digital age - to snoop or not to snoop? 90974190-An-AVG-Digital-Diaries-guide-for-parents-putting-yourself-in-your-childrens-shoes.pdf Download this file

post from Forrester "A New Venn Of Access Control For The API Economy"

Worth reading And the comments….

post from Forrester "A New Venn Of Access Control For The API Economy"

Worth reading And the comments….

post from Forrester "A New Venn Of Access Control For The API Economy"

Worth reading And the comments….

post from Forrester "A New Venn Of Access Control For The API Economy"

Worth reading And the comments….

post from Forrester "A New Venn Of Access Control For The API Economy"

Worth reading And the comments….

Addicted, multitasking, distracted = what are screenagers?

Study 1.    Time Inc . Study Reveals That "Digital Natives" Switch Between Devices and Platforms Every Two Minutes, Use Media to Regulate Their Mood The findings include: Digital Natives switch their attention between media platforms (i.e. TVs, magazines, tablets, smartphones or channels within platforms) 27 times per hour , about every other minute. Because Digital Natives spend more time using multiple media platforms simultaneously, their emotional engagement with content is constrained. They experience fewer highs and lows of emotional response and as a result, Digital Natives more frequently use media to regulate their mood - as soon as they grow tired or bored, they turn their attention to something new. At home, Digital Natives take their devices from room to room with them (65% vs. 41% for Digital Immigrants) - rarely more than an arm's length away from their smartphones - making switching platforms even easier. More than half (54%) of Digital Natives sa

Tim Berners-Lee: demand your data from Google and Facebook

The deep packet inspection techniques proposed by the UK government represent a “really serious” breach of privacy, according to S TBL speaking during his keynote speech at W3C. Talking about the  controversial Communications Capabilities Development Programme , the inventor of the web said: “Somebody clamps a deep packet inspection (DPI) thing on your cable which reads every packet and reassembles the web pages, cataloguing them against your name, address and telephone number either to be given to the government when they ask for it or to be sold to the highest bidder — that’s a really serious breach of privacy.”

The Shift in the Personal Data Landscape @lizbrandt @321ctrlshift

This is from the bright guys at CTRL-SHIFT

inspiring. Frank Warren: Half a million secrets #TED - what data can tell you

11th June : Identity London workshop covering vrm, personal data, lockers, pii, busienss models...

As we have a large and growing group in the UK and London of those interested in: identity, user centric identity, internet identity, vrm, personal data, digital lockers, digital footprint, personal identifiable data (pii) and personal data eco-systems…. And as an outcome from Doc visit to London in April we have decided to try and bring the community together and start a regular (monthly) meet-up/ open working space/ un-conference/ discussion/ for us to meet up and move forward with sharing and achieving. This also builds on a workshop Iain Henderson and I put on at Innovation Warehouse on Personal Data Store interoperability in April ( write up by Phil is here )  and so the outcome is that we have decided that we should do a wider reaching day with Kaliya Hamlin @IdentityWoman when she was in London with Drummond Reed, Phil Windley and many others for the WEF tiger team on Personal data.  The purpose is to move forward the conversation, solutions and projects and from this we pla

Viewing Product vs Service: Public Vs Private: throught the eyes of Google Ngram data

Over on Doc Searls weblog he posted What and who are we? And this started me thinking about some other terms…how we accept something have always been. I normalised by view from looking at microprocessor vs transistor. See the full gallery on Posterous

@jeffjarvis asks a great question about social pressure for virtue

Over at BuzzMachine on @jeffjarvis’s blog his opening on recent post called Social (network) Pressure is “By adding an organ-donation tool to Facebook , Mark Zuckerberg is setting up a dynamic of social pressure for virtue. Is that always good?” This is a great question as it moves the debate on from public, private, trust and identity [which you can spend a life debating and get no where.]  Why then is it a good question?  To me it is one of the new Digital Dilemmas, Digital Scruples, Digital Insights about humanity as it focus is on expectation, experience and context.  It is one that Data cannot tell you, yet…. how you should respond. I love the comment stream on this post as it hits right at why we are human. More social will not remove our ‘innovative’ opinions, move over tech world the anthropologists are coming through.

Nancy Lublin: Texting that saves lives: TED talk

When Nancy Lublin started texting teenagers to help with her social advocacy organization, what she found was shocking -- they started texting back about their own problems, from bullying to depression to abuse. So she's setting up a text-only crisis line, and the results might be even more important than she expected.

Public, Private, Privacy are interrupted differently depending on whereyou start from : picture

Original post I hope this picture shows that our model of what is Private is not the same I hope this picture shows that our model of what is Public is not the same  I am hoping therefore that we can agree that …. There is NO one model of Privacy that works in all cases and in all places There is NO one model of Private that works in all cases and in all places There is NO one model of Public that works in all cases and in all places There is NO one model of Trust that works in all cases and in all places

Social TV and the second screen from @StoweBoyd

  I have done several talks and debates on this topic – here is the most recent write up from mashup * - Social TV is a major disruption in the rapidly changing “home ecosystem” industry. The outcome from that event mirrors this report as well…. Stowe Boyd free report “ Social TV and the second screen “, characterises the forces at work in the emergence of social TV, presents a framework for understanding the changes that are already at work in the industry, and profiles some of the most innovative companies in the sector. “The most significant change — from the perspective of the user, at least — will be shift in emphasis toward a rich and social user experience, and a decrease in the emphasis around the content being delivered via TV. This doesn’t mean that people will stop caring about high quality TV: they will still care about quality. But users will demand that TV content fit into the social context.” and here is the April 12 Neilson study Even more data and presentation from Mo

Digital Identity For A Billion People? Inside India's Incredible UID Initiative #identity

Professor Arun Sundararajan describes India’s fascinating digital identity initiative [youtube]

updating the 1,9,90 rule from the BBC

The BBC released some interesting research around participation online. ----- One of the defining characteristics of digital media is interaction. It enables us to be active, make choices, build connections, express ourselves and exercise a new level of control over our media experiences. But how active is the UK online population really? And how might this change in years to come? With these questions in mind, my team and I conducted a large-scale, long-term investigation into how the UK online population participates using digital media today - from sharing links, to writing blogs and uploading photos. And it revealed a fascinating, and at times, surprising picture. Like the population itself, the picture is nuanced but six striking themes emerged: The model which has guided many people's thinking in this area, the 1/9/90 rule , is outmoded. The number of people participating online is s

Identity Shift: Where Identity Meets Technology in the Networked-Community Age by Alison Cerra and Christina James

Image - recommended reading

Gary Kovacs @mozillagary from Mozilla: Tracking the trackers: TED talk

Extremely good TED talk… As you surf the Web, information is being collected about you. Web tracking is not 100% evil -- personal data can make your browsing more efficient; cookies can help your favourite websites stay in business. But, says Gary Kovacs, it's your right to know what data is being collected about you and how it affects your online life. He unveils a Firefox add-on to do just that.

Mobile Megatrends 2012 from@visionmobile

Mobile Megatrends 2012     Key Themes - Handset DELL-ification and the emerging pyramid of handset OEM - Web as the new walled garden and why the web is going back to the AOL days. - Cross-platform tools as the next challenge to the Apple/Google duopoly - The Kindelization of tablets – how Kindle is setting the rules of the tablet market - Ecosystems battle across 4 screens and how experience roaming drives user lock-in, cross-sales and engagement - Accessories as the next frontier for platform differentiation - Tools for gold seekers and how the developer gold-rush has led to a gold rush for developer tools - Reinventing the telco and how unbundling the telco is needed to compete in the software era - The future of voice, from telephony to diversity of use cases

A standard information sharing label on #kickstarter


"context is the key to privacy" is the up shot of the FTC Privacy Report + comment on expectations

March 2012:  “context is the key to privacy” is the up shot of the FTC Privacy Report (free to download all 112 pages of it) However this misses a key point to me that is what you believe is context is different to what I think in context.  If we took 100 people to the cinema to watch a horror movie, whilst you will not get 1 unified view and you will not get 100 different views, you will end up with a range of views about the film and its content based on the views personal experiences and expectations.  There is lots of research about how you can change experience by change expectations. Maybe we should worry less about privacy and more about managing expectations as a way of setting policy.

A view on Life Management Platforms from @kuppingercole

  I was invited out to speak at EIC this year. It was very good to catch up with so many familiar faces and have some very well rounded discussions.  Lots of the material is on their podcast here One particular phrase Martin Kuppinger from Kuppinger Cole spoke to was Life Management Platforms and this links to a free report from him and this as a wider blog from Martin on the topic Intention and Attention – how Life Management Platforms can improve Marketing Life Management Platforms are not “Personal Data Stores” in the sense of adding “apps” to the data stores and being able to work with different personal data stores. The concept is allow data to be consumed but not unveil that data – in contrast to a data store which just could provide or allow access to personal data. Conceptually a Life Management Platform will enable you to control whom to inform about a “social” event. It is this point that I find difficult.  I believe we all want to give users controls, as control is not p

About Me from Intel

I saw this a while ago and forgot to post it here What my data tells me….. is un-surprisingly what I tell it about me?

Some great data from the Facebook data team

Here some articles from Facebook about their data provided by the Facebook data team Sources:   and Rethinking Information Diversity in Networks Do friends shape the information you see and read online? Some claim that social networks act like echo chambers in which people only consume and share information from likeminded close friends, stifling the spread of diverse information. Our study paints a different picture of the world. The Links of Love Some people marry their high school sweethearts and live together ‘til death do them part’. Other couples go their separate ways and find love anew. All these collective romantic movements can be used to construct a relationship graph. Relationship graphs (Susan dated Joe who previously dated Jane...) are difficult to maintain on a napkin or a whiteboard because who’s dating whom can quickly become yesterday’s news. But on Facebook, updating a relatio

@stephen_wolfram: The Personal Analytics of My Life

Source: The article is a walk through Stephen’s life based on his data and the data shows what we expect of a professional.  Where is the value?  The value comes, I think, not from this data set but from the collective of data sets.  If we all did this and provided our data for it to be compared and contrasted. And this is where we have to be careful. If I carefully pick people like me, guess what we will all slap ourselves on the back and say well done we are all as “efficient” as each other. How do you find improvements, how do you determine wastage, how to you seek out value, where is inspiration…. We know it is in there, but how do we find it and nurture it as it is about to occur?

Tim Chang @timechange of Mayfield : The Future Is In Making Data Fun

Source: In summary.  Data is not enough….   and you can see you have to go to TC to watch....

So advertising does not become more efficient with more data

The Facebook Fallacy , is an essay by Michael Wolff in MIT technology review and the quote that is getting some focus is….“ At the heart of the Internet business is one of the great business fallacies of our time: that the Web, with all its targeting abilities, can be a more efficient, and hence more profitable, advertising medium than traditional media. ” Now this is not a new revelation. Here are some articles one from each year as the point could be rather laboured. 2008 Business Week ; 2009 TechCrunch ; 2010 IAB/ PWC study ; 2011 TheStar ; 2012 DocSearls When I was writing My Digital Footprint back in 2008/2009 I wrote in Chapter 6 “the two sided business model” about the collision of two words, the old traditional one and the new bright shinny full of promise digital one.  The linkage and the clash would happen as both worlds fight over advertising dollars.  In the diagram below AAS (advertising as a service) The diagram I used was this horrible complex one…. The point h

Identity expectation management and the Gaps that become creepy #ds12

Presentation given at Digital Shoreditch for Identity Day: 25th May  2012 You will need to read the notes to understand this the message….. Tony Fish Digital ID Shoreditch #ds12 from Tony Fish

WEF report on Peronsal Data and a personal opinion

Source/ Download : Personal opinion It is a good report and worth reading, however I feel that the missing part is that of managing “expectations.”  What I mean by this is when you sit back and ask yourself how you want your data treated and marry that to how an organisation asks you to treat customer data we find there are conflicts and each person sitting round the table has a different expectation both of what they want and what they expect. I believe that personal data and what we can do with it is defined by our propensity to take or manage risk based on expectation. Our frustration is that those with lower risk have higher authority and that limits our own personal reach, scope, creativity and aspiration and our annoyance is created by those with a higher risk propensity and a-can-do attitude that want to take us beyond our own boundaries of expectation.  I would have loved for the report to address th

Landscape of Web Identity Management

IdM 6_DINA3.pdf Download this file Source : Fraunhofer Research Institution AISEC

I am speaking on Identity, trust, brand, data and creepy @ #DS12 on Friday

I am speaking at #DS12 Digital Shoreditch on Friday

Data about Birthdays - which one are the most common?

Or check out the heat map version on  which shows how easy it is to present data...     Source:      

Identity unconference/ workshop London 11th June with @identitywoman

We have a large and growing group in the UK and London of those interested in: identity, user centric identity, internet identity, vrm, personal data, digital lockers, digital footprint, personal identifiable data (pii) and personal data eco-systems…. So we have decided to try and bring the community together and start a regular (monthly) meet-up/ open working space/ un-conference/ discussion/ for us to meet up and move forward with sharing and achieving. The first session will be a classic un-conference insomuch that the agenda will be created live by attendees present at the opening of the day. Doors will open at 8:00 with coffee, we will offer a light lunch and more coffee. About 17.00 we will wrap up with summaries, networking and a few beers.  The purpose is to move forward the conversation and solutions on how people manage their own identity across websites, services, companies and organisations we participate or associate with and places and service that we purchase from….

mashup* event on Social + TV

  Last night (22 nd May) Andy Eardley , Director & co-Founder, TV App Agency Ltd, Anthony Rose , Co-Founder & CTO, Zeebox, Mark James , Global Business Development Manager, ACCESSMyTV and Will Neale,  CEO, ShowCaster took to the stage at to chat about Social + TV…. A few of my post event thought captures. Does a TV scenario at home described as 1 st and 2 nd screen imply control Revenue for TV will continue to come from advertising (excluding the BBC special case) The power play for Brands is shifting from being on the device to being on the service The connected “experience” requires a person Is social just augmentation? Advertising is likely to be the only unchanged model in TV in 5 years, other models (telco, mobile, access, paid TV) will all adopt in different ways No natural “country boarders” of Internet presents the bigger hurdles to change Will the user be the centre of the “home ecosystem” User experience is key, but don’t want a clos

Identity unconference/ workshop London 11th June with @identitywoman

  We have a large and growing group in the UK and London of those interested in: identity, user centric identity, internet identity, vrm, personal data, digital lockers, digital footprint, personal identifiable data (pii) and personal data eco-systems…. So we have decided to try and bring the community together and start a regular (monthly) meet-up/ open working space/ un-conference/ discussion/ for us to meet up and move forward with sharing and achieving. The first session will be a classic un-conference insomuch that the agenda will be created live by attendees present at the opening of the day. Doors will open at 8:00 with coffee, we will offer a light lunch and more coffee. About 17.00 we will wrap up with summaries, networking and a few beers.  The purpose is to move forward the conversation and solutions on how people manage their own identity across websites, services, companies and organisations we participate or associate with and places and service that we purchase from…. Ti

Nice to see midata flowing at last.

In a nice burst of 21st Century enlightenment, Scottish Power have become the first organisation to release data under the midata programme . From Scottish Power . Now bring on the rest...

The Standard Label

Check out this kickstarter that looks to build out a standard label for information sharing scenario's.  

Does Identity define the edge of your network?

Assuming that “Identity,Trust and Privacy” fade [by fade I mean hard boundary (technical, permission, certificate) and soft boundary (time, relevance, reach)], is it useful to consider that your network [by which I mean consider the network in the widest possible sense: physical, six degrees, payment, access, codes, influence, reach, recommendation, LogIn, ID, FoF] edges should be defined by a propensity to risk. The lower risk desired the closer you need to be to the source. Is our frustration that those with the lowest risk have the highest authority and that I cannot enable my risk profile across my services?

Mobile Breakfast 29th June, London: Operators and OTT: The way forward @ChetanSharma

Mobile Breakfast Series, June 29th, 2012 Operators and OTT: The way forward Venue : Wayra, Telefonica. Shropshire House, 11-20 Capper Street, London, WC1E 6JA Registration : Operator traditional revenue streams are under threat esp. voice and messaging. Access margins will continue to stay under pressure. OTT players are coming in fast and furious and it is not just the big ones like Google but also players like Whatsapp, Voxer, Viber and others. How do operators play in the new landscape – lessen the decline of their traditional revenues while investing in new areas that improve their overall margins and revenues. Do they play the role of an enabler, a utility player, or become the OTT player themselves? In a software-driven world, how do they stay nimble? On the flip side, what are some things that operators can provide to the OTT players that make them successful, take them to the market quickly and maintain a long-term healthy and mutually

Mobile Breakfast 29th June, London: Operators and OTT: The way forward @ChetanSharma

Mobile Breakfast Series, June 29th, 2012 Operators and OTT: The way forward Venue : Wayra, Telefonica. Shropshire House, 11-20 Capper Street, London, WC1E 6JA Registration : Operator traditional revenue streams are under threat esp. voice and messaging. Access margins will continue to stay under pressure. OTT players are coming in fast and furious and it is not just the big ones like Google but also players like Whatsapp, Voxer, Viber and others. How do operators play in the new landscape – lessen the decline of their traditional revenues while investing in new areas that improve their overall margins and revenues. Do they play the role of an enabler, a utility player, or become the OTT player themselves? In a software-driven world, how do they stay nimble? On the flip side, what are some things that operators can provide to the OTT players that make them successful, take them to the market quickly and maintain a long-term healthy and mutually

Mobile Breakfast 29th June, London: Operators and OTT: The way forward @ChetanSharma

Mobile Breakfast Series, June 29th, 2012 Operators and OTT: The way forward Venue : Wayra, Telefonica. Shropshire House, 11-20 Capper Street, London, WC1E 6JA Registration : Operator traditional revenue streams are under threat esp. voice and messaging. Access margins will continue to stay under pressure. OTT players are coming in fast and furious and it is not just the big ones like Google but also players like Whatsapp, Voxer, Viber and others. How do operators play in the new landscape – lessen the decline of their traditional revenues while investing in new areas that improve their overall margins and revenues. Do they play the role of an enabler, a utility player, or become the OTT player themselves? In a software-driven world, how do they stay nimble? On the flip side, what are some things that operators can provide to the OTT players that make them successful, take them to the market quickly and maintain a long-term healthy and mutually

Mobile Breakfast 29th June, London: Operators and OTT: The way forward @ChetanSharma

Mobile Breakfast Series, June 29th, 2012 Operators and OTT: The way forward Venue : Wayra, Telefonica. Shropshire House, 11-20 Capper Street, London, WC1E 6JA Registration : Operator traditional revenue streams are under threat esp. voice and messaging. Access margins will continue to stay under pressure. OTT players are coming in fast and furious and it is not just the big ones like Google but also players like Whatsapp, Voxer, Viber and others. How do operators play in the new landscape – lessen the decline of their traditional revenues while investing in new areas that improve their overall margins and revenues. Do they play the role of an enabler, a utility player, or become the OTT player themselves? In a software-driven world, how do they stay nimble? On the flip side, what are some things that operators can provide to the OTT players that make them successful, take them to the market quickly and maintain a long-term healthy and mutually