Do you still trust Brand Apple and what is the damage from the location issue.


If you want some background about the Apple issue I suggest you read materials from Alex Levinson especially his post titled 3 Major Issues with the Latest iPhone Tracking “Discovery”

Personally I am not actually bothered that I didn’t read the 15,200 words of the Apple Terms and Conditions to discover that there are 86 words that cover off the use of your location.  I am slightly more worried that the lawyers see a massive opportunity to subpoena your phone and subsequently get your routes and routines which you cannot opt out of other than by not buying the iPhone.  Forget divorce lawyers I would be getting a request for every stop and search. “so where have you been since you bought into Apple sonny”

Realising that your location data is cumulative across all your apple devices is probably something we did not realise either and having two phones or throwing away the one that has your hidden life on does not help either…..

Is the issue here about do you still trust “Brand Apple?”

Gathering data is fine (as long as you tell everyone in big bright lights) and in reality it is there in black and white but it was not obvious and I don’t think anyone expected the cumulative nature of your location data.  The issue now is how does Brand Apple allow you to choose an opt out of this option/ track/ hide/ locate/ store and still allow you to buy/ use the iPhone and confirm to you it has been deleted.

When will Apple update my iPhone with this new option, especially if I don’t use iTunes and there is no OTA (over the air) update. Having done a factory wipe and sold an iPhone, I am now worried that this data was not wiped….and so off to eBay I go to see what I can buy.

The damage for me is about trust and trust comes from levels of transparency and control.  It will be interesting to see who gives up their iPhone over this issue or just decides to change technology at the next round.

What I don’t know is if I can fake the location on the phone and what time (of day) it uses.  I know that the time (actual time based on an atomic clock) varies across Mac/ iPad and iPhone so I am not too sure that the data about time and location is that good that you can be convicted of the crime….