"Which developments could radically disrupt net neutrality towards more openness?"

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For a forthcoming blog post/article Ajit is exploring the question "Which developments could radically disrupt net neutrality towards more openness?"

On one hand, the regulatory arguments could chug along at a slow and bogged down by legal hurdles  and on the other hand, customers and others could change the game.

His is looking for such game changers such as....

1)  The Dutch net neutrality developments - Net neutrality goes Dutch

2) The forthcoming BEREC report Net neutrality gets European Parliament backing | ZDNet UKLawless Net Neutrality vs. the “Resolution of Disapproval” – Forbes

3) The push for broadband – EU commissioner wants telecoms firms to boost broadband access 

4)  A new converged regulator? (for media – consumer and telecoms)

5)  A new ‘alternate’ regulator - There needs to be an Alternative Communications Providers Association (ACPA or OTTA) to counterbalance the GSMA

6)  FCC? – not radically disruptive but still to watch ..

7)   SOPA/DMCA - Would ISPs Trade Net Neutrality for Safe Harbor? European Parliament adopts net neutrality resolution (Wired UK) ,

8 )  Consumer issues  Am I blocked or Not: Wisconsin version

9)   Web providers naming and shaming – ex content providers warning customers to avoid certain networks/ISPs

10) The US National Identity Strategy NSTIC (National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace) setting rules for an “identity ecosystem” to be built

11) Vivian Reading proposal on EU data protection http://blog.mydigitalfootprint.com/viviane-reding-indispensable-watchdogs-of-the


But what else? please email him at ajit.jaokar (@) futuretext (dot) com with ideas and input - thank you