When your dead - is there a digital footprint heaven?



Not a new topic for this blog - previous posts are here http://blog.mydigitalfootprint.com/tag/death


A very good article appeared from the New York Times By ROB WALKER Published: January 5, 2011 using the Photo Illustration by Penelope Umbrico above ‘‘Sunset Portraits, From 8,462,359 Sunset Pictures on Flickr, 12/21/10’’ 

I am not repeating it or doing a summary as it worth spending 15 minutes and reading it.

There are also 83 comments which capture a hugh range of opinion Read All Comments (83) »



Things to adds from me....as so many good point have been made already


Payments - who is responsible for paying for services to keep them alive, you cannot pass on liability.

30% bother to sort wills - 70% don't - the Internet stats are likely to be worse given our attitude to backup

Signing rights that are not aligned to terms and conditions is not a proposition that will work - what you want has to aligned to what you have agreed to.

Digital tech is unstable, difficult to store/ curate and has an on-going cost - do you want to destroy your children's future but keeping all this data, it that your choice?

We need to forget "some-things" - detail is not good.