
Showing posts with the label PII

11th June : Identity London workshop covering vrm, personal data, lockers, pii, busienss models...

As we have a large and growing group in the UK and London of those interested in: identity, user centric identity, internet identity, vrm, personal data, digital lockers, digital footprint, personal identifiable data (pii) and personal data eco-systems…. And as an outcome from Doc visit to London in April we have decided to try and bring the community together and start a regular (monthly) meet-up/ open working space/ un-conference/ discussion/ for us to meet up and move forward with sharing and achieving. This also builds on a workshop Iain Henderson and I put on at Innovation Warehouse on Personal Data Store interoperability in April ( write up by Phil is here )  and so the outcome is that we have decided that we should do a wider reaching day with Kaliya Hamlin @IdentityWoman when she was in London with Drummond Reed, Phil Windley and many others for the WEF tiger team on Personal data.  The purpose is to move forward the conversation, solutions and projects and from this we pla

@jeffjarvis asks a great question about social pressure for virtue

Over at BuzzMachine on @jeffjarvis’s blog his opening on recent post called Social (network) Pressure is “By adding an organ-donation tool to Facebook , Mark Zuckerberg is setting up a dynamic of social pressure for virtue. Is that always good?” This is a great question as it moves the debate on from public, private, trust and identity [which you can spend a life debating and get no where.]  Why then is it a good question?  To me it is one of the new Digital Dilemmas, Digital Scruples, Digital Insights about humanity as it focus is on expectation, experience and context.  It is one that Data cannot tell you, yet…. how you should respond. I love the comment stream on this post as it hits right at why we are human. More social will not remove our ‘innovative’ opinions, move over tech world the anthropologists are coming through.

Gary Kovacs @mozillagary from Mozilla: Tracking the trackers: TED talk

Extremely good TED talk… As you surf the Web, information is being collected about you. Web tracking is not 100% evil -- personal data can make your browsing more efficient; cookies can help your favourite websites stay in business. But, says Gary Kovacs, it's your right to know what data is being collected about you and how it affects your online life. He unveils a Firefox add-on to do just that.

@stephen_wolfram: The Personal Analytics of My Life

Source: The article is a walk through Stephen’s life based on his data and the data shows what we expect of a professional.  Where is the value?  The value comes, I think, not from this data set but from the collective of data sets.  If we all did this and provided our data for it to be compared and contrasted. And this is where we have to be careful. If I carefully pick people like me, guess what we will all slap ourselves on the back and say well done we are all as “efficient” as each other. How do you find improvements, how do you determine wastage, how to you seek out value, where is inspiration…. We know it is in there, but how do we find it and nurture it as it is about to occur?

Voice and motion Control - who owns the command and can they sell your blueprint?

Voice/ motion control is heating up again, Samsung’s Smart interaction, Nuance (Vlingo- assuming acquisition completes), Novauris, Microsoft, Apple and Google all have initiatives designed to bring all of the goodies enabled from the connection of the TV to the internet and a second screen; under the control of a combination of voice made announcement and movement. However original ideas such as this patent , issued to Panasonic (Matsushita) in 2006, describes a voice controlled “Home Agent Server” for taking command of household appliances. It references prior filings from Nokia, LG and ultimately AT&T, dating back to 2003.  The area is complex and thick of innovation, however with voice and motion control - who owns the command and how will it affect your privacy?  Where does the data get stored, does it (the system) learn uniqueness of expression and how will it become personalised.  Will learnt profile data, like facial recognition, become yours, that you can use or will it

How much is your data worth? @Backupify

Image has presented this attempt at the “how much is your data worth” calculation. Their approach is dividing total company revenue by the amount of pieces of content.  Whilst we can easily take a swipe at the specific metrics, it is another way to look at these nine social media sites and what they are worth.  

Privacy, Identity and personal data are the new politics, religion andsex of after dinner fall outs

Ask a group of friends to define any of the following words:- private, privacy, trust, sharing, personal data, data, rights or context and whilst you may start the evening as friends; you may well end the evening questioning ideologies.  Privacy, Identity and personal data have become the new politics, religion and sex conversation topics that we should not discuss. But why? My personal view is that, just like politics, religion and sex, we all start from different points (knowledge and mood today), with varying expectations (outcomes) and personal experiences (crosses to bare).  This opinion piece is about the different starting points and not expectations or personal experience; as we get to read about expectations from daily FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) articles that form fabulous NEWS headlines, and personal experiences as well, they’re personal. This opinion is not trying to convert or sway anyone from their trusted viewpoint; the purpose is to present a framework that

@docsearls For personal data, use value beats sale value

Source: In defence of value to me of my data and not having to sell data to get that value.

The User Data Ecosystem Map


Applications: I am not a number; I am a tag : implementation

    Verified tags As we have seen before, conferred identity (for example, a driving licence) can be used instead of the primary identity. For example, conferred identity can be used to buy a range of services in the physical world (for instance you can show your driving license to buy services). In the digital world, tags / avatars etc are all a form of identity. However, they are not verified. To achieve the concept of ‘I am not a number..’ you need a verified tag. How can we verify the tag? You could use something like the Liberty alliance or similar mechanism. But that’s too ‘top down’, complex and expensive. But let us put this in perspective first; as indicated before,  A phone call is not a transaction!. The stakes are a lot less lower. In this case, rather than a full fledged approach (such as liberty alliance), which is expensive, a simpler more organic approach could suffice. This approach is based on the concept of ‘Identity = reputation’. Reputation is what others say abo

I am a Tag....not an number

I am a tag, not a number In my book titled  "Mobile Web 2.0" (published in 2006) Ajit (co-author) and I identified that mobileweb2.0 holds that the mean and mechanism by which I was uniquely identified by and could be associated with, which was a number; no longer holds true. The key aspect of this is that in the old world I was found, contacted utilising and was identified by numbers, this may have been a phone number or a passport number. In the new world I will be found and identified by tags, centred on who I am as identified by my name.  Further; it will not just be me, companies are identified by brands but we have to-date contacted or connected to them by numbers, now companies, using their brands and product names will be uniquely identified by these names.  Is there a real difference, in the consumers eyes; yes!, In deep technical aspects, probably not, since there will still be a mechanism for resolving names and numbers, but the value of resolving numbers (dire

SOPA And The Film Industry


Is a day of silence, lock down, black out and strike the right reaction to #STOPSOPA? - personal comment

Tomorrow (Wednesday 18 th Jan 2012)   Wikipedia will black out , friends will not Tweet and I am sure other activities will occur to protest for Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the US. This post is not about why I support but more of a reflection about action.  I have never been able to strike or stop work as I have been self employed or in growth companies for just about my entire working career. But I now have the choice to make my view known.  Many of us watched in awe as several counties used the Internet to bring about regime change and have enjoyed free services in exchange for our data and advertising. It feels good that we can now raise a peaceful protest and have a voice, but how did we get to this point?  I am left wondering how it is that the US even got as far as they did with the proposals and who’s voice is the true voice Government listens to until we protest.  Why is it that we protest late and not early? Within the EU we are facing the same issue with policy and

The PII Problem: Privacy and a New Concept of Personally Identifiable Information Paul Schwartz and Daniel Solove

On SSRN: The PII Problem: Privacy and a New Concept of Personally Identifiable Information by Paul Schwartz University of California, Berkeley – School of Law, and Daniel Solove , George Washington University Law School Abstract: Personally identifiable information (PII) is one of the most central concepts in information privacy regulation. The scope of privacy laws typically turns on whether PII is involved. The basic assumption behind the applicable laws is that if PII is not involved, then there can be no privacy harm. At the same time, there is no uniform definition of PII in information privacy law. Moreover, computer science has shown that in many circumstances non-PII can be linked to individuals, and that de-identified data can be re-identified. PII and non-PII are thus not immutable categories, and there is a risk that information deemed non-PII at one time can be transformed into PII at a later juncture. Due to the malleable nature of what constitutes PII, some commentato

Personal Identity Management report from Forrester

Forrester wanted it removed from here so you have to go to their site - joys.   Executive Summary Consumers are leaving an exponentially growing digital footprint across channels and media, and they are awakening to the fact that marketers use this data for financial gain. This, combined with growing concerns about data security, means that individuals increasingly want to know when data about them is being collected, what is being stored and by whom, and how that data is being used. As a result, a nascent industry is forming, with the promise of giving consumers control over their own data. We call this phenomenon personal identity management (PIDM). In this report, we outline what we expect PIDM will look like, and we provide Consumer Intelligence (CI) professionals with the insight to prepare for this impending change.   Verdict : Reasonable 101 guide  

Personal data: the emergence of a new asset class @WEF

Personal data – digital data created by and about people – represents a new economic “asset class”, touching all aspects of society. The abundance of personal data represents untapped opportunities for economic growth and social benefit; however, the barriers restricting personal data’s movement and protection need to be resolved. This report finds that, to unlock the full potential of personal data, a balanced ecosystem with increased trust between individuals, government and the private sector is necessary. Granting individuals greater control over their data is necessary to create a balanced personal data ecosystem. The report addresses the interrelated and complex cultural, business, technology and policy trends shaping the personal data ecosystem by presenting a user-centric set of recommendations for individuals, private enterprise and policy-makers. In particular, the report suggests five areas for collective action: 1) Innovate around user-centricity and trust. The personal

The PII Problem: Privacy and a New Concept of Personally Identifiable Information Paul Schwartz and Daniel Solove have a article available for download from SSRN.  Aug 2011 abstract: Personally identifiable information (PII) is one of the most central concepts in information privacy regulation. The scope of privacy laws typically turns on whether PII is involved. The basic assumption behind the applicable laws is that if PII is not involved, then there can be no privacy harm. At the same time, there is no uniform definition of PII in information privacy law. Moreover, computer science has shown that in many circumstances non-PII can be linked to individuals, and that de-identified data can be re-identified. PII and non-PII are thus not immutable categories, and there is a risk that information deemed non-PII at one time can be transformed into PII at a later juncture. Due to the malleable nature of what constitutes PII, some commentators have ev

Who Stewards the Personal Data Question? Org Chart

Original Post - More commentary -

Corrado Moiso from Telecom Italia thinking on Personal Data

This image is from Corrado Moiso blog  and his write up is there about the diagram  “Personal data negotiation ” would create the opportunities to have a more rich and fear marketplace on the personal data, by enabling the so called “ The Economics of Personal Data and the Economics of Privacy ”. Individuals can trade the conditions for enabling 3 rd  parties (service providers, data brokers, …) to access some of their data, with the possible involvement of an actor play an intermediary role. Individuals and 3 rd  parties can agree on which data are disclosed, possible neutralization filters, etc. and on the benefits for individuals (in terms of money, free access to services, etc.). In this way, individuals can be more actively involved in the exploitation of their personal data (at least to achieve a greater awareness on the data disclosed to have access to free services).

Midata - some thinking on govenment policy

Midata - access and control your personal data, this is the UK governments  Consumer Empowerment Strategy for data…. The three main objectives of midata are to: secure broad private-sector participation in the project, with a key number of businesses agreeing to release individual, personal data to consumers let consumers access and use their data in a safe way encourage businesses to develop innovative services and applications that will interpret and use the data for consumers Agenda 1: consumer data  “Giving people back their data” is billed as putting the customer back in control when forming or reviewing a relationship with a vendor. Sorry but this misses the point totally and most users don’t want their data. We generate vast amounts of data in creating and consuming. You will get zero understanding our consumption patterns based on the data – you need the algorithm and the output. Please start protecting those who want to give data but have no value as they will be l