
Mobile Megatrends 2012 from@visionmobile

Mobile Megatrends 2012     Key Themes - Handset DELL-ification and the emerging pyramid of handset OEM - Web as the new walled garden and why the web is going back to the AOL days. - Cross-platform tools as the next challenge to the Apple/Google duopoly - The Kindelization of tablets – how Kindle is setting the rules of the tablet market - Ecosystems battle across 4 screens and how experience roaming drives user lock-in, cross-sales and engagement - Accessories as the next frontier for platform differentiation - Tools for gold seekers and how the developer gold-rush has led to a gold rush for developer tools - Reinventing the telco and how unbundling the telco is needed to compete in the software era - The future of voice, from telephony to diversity of use cases

A standard information sharing label on #kickstarter


"context is the key to privacy" is the up shot of the FTC Privacy Report + comment on expectations

March 2012:  “context is the key to privacy” is the up shot of the FTC Privacy Report (free to download all 112 pages of it) However this misses a key point to me that is what you believe is context is different to what I think in context.  If we took 100 people to the cinema to watch a horror movie, whilst you will not get 1 unified view and you will not get 100 different views, you will end up with a range of views about the film and its content based on the views personal experiences and expectations.  There is lots of research about how you can change experience by change expectations. Maybe we should worry less about privacy and more about managing expectations as a way of setting policy.

A view on Life Management Platforms from @kuppingercole

  I was invited out to speak at EIC this year. It was very good to catch up with so many familiar faces and have some very well rounded discussions.  Lots of the material is on their podcast here One particular phrase Martin Kuppinger from Kuppinger Cole spoke to was Life Management Platforms and this links to a free report from him and this as a wider blog from Martin on the topic Intention and Attention – how Life Management Platforms can improve Marketing Life Management Platforms are not “Personal Data Stores” in the sense of adding “apps” to the data stores and being able to work with different personal data stores. The concept is allow data to be consumed but not unveil that data – in contrast to a data store which just could provide or allow access to personal data. Conceptually a Life Management Platform will enable you to control whom to inform about a “social” event. It is this point that I find difficult.  I believe we all want to give users controls, as control is not p

About Me from Intel

I saw this a while ago and forgot to post it here What my data tells me….. is un-surprisingly what I tell it about me?

Some great data from the Facebook data team

Here some articles from Facebook about their data provided by the Facebook data team Sources:   and Rethinking Information Diversity in Networks Do friends shape the information you see and read online? Some claim that social networks act like echo chambers in which people only consume and share information from likeminded close friends, stifling the spread of diverse information. Our study paints a different picture of the world. The Links of Love Some people marry their high school sweethearts and live together ‘til death do them part’. Other couples go their separate ways and find love anew. All these collective romantic movements can be used to construct a relationship graph. Relationship graphs (Susan dated Joe who previously dated Jane...) are difficult to maintain on a napkin or a whiteboard because who’s dating whom can quickly become yesterday’s news. But on Facebook, updating a relatio

@stephen_wolfram: The Personal Analytics of My Life

Source: The article is a walk through Stephen’s life based on his data and the data shows what we expect of a professional.  Where is the value?  The value comes, I think, not from this data set but from the collective of data sets.  If we all did this and provided our data for it to be compared and contrasted. And this is where we have to be careful. If I carefully pick people like me, guess what we will all slap ourselves on the back and say well done we are all as “efficient” as each other. How do you find improvements, how do you determine wastage, how to you seek out value, where is inspiration…. We know it is in there, but how do we find it and nurture it as it is about to occur?