Social media, data, cost and identity Milestones - it is all getting faster

Price of a Gigabyte

1981 = $300,000,

1987 = $50,000,

1990 = $10,000,

1994 = $1000,

1997 = $100,

2004 = $1,

2010 = $0.10

Time to download a GB

1981 = 331days

1987 = 83d

1994 = 83hours

2000 = 43h

2004 = 11h

2007 = 3h

2010 = 1h

Time to reach 1m followers

25 hours and 17 minutes

Main infographic from Edelman

Time to steal your identity

1800 - no identity to seal

1900 - 7 days, hand forged

2000 - seconds !

2100 - no identity to seal !