
Showing posts with the label insight

Creating Flow. Exploring lockdown audio lag and my exhaustion

So the technical term for that delay or lag from then you finish speaking to you hearing when the next person speaks is wrapped up in an idea of “Latency”.   Latency is measured in milliseconds (ms), which is thousandths of seconds . Latency for a face to face conversation is like zero. For say a landline call, it is defined by an ITU standard and is judged by the ability to offer a quality of service.  Ideally, about 10ms will achieve the highest level of quality and feels familiar.  A latency of 20 ms is tremendous and is typical for a VoIP call as it is perfectly acceptable.  A latency of even 150 ms is, whilst noticeable, permitted, however, any higher delay or lag times and the quality diminishes very fast. At 300 ms or higher, latency becomes utterly unacceptable as a conversation becomes laboured, driven by interruptions and lack flow.  We all know the phrases of “no-one left behind” or “you are only as strong as your weakest team member.” Well, the same applies for latency, on

The changing nature of business

Wanted to compare the corporate and large company business models that I have seen adapt and morph over the past thirty years. Opted to use the traditional triangle, not to show organisation structure but to represent the number of people in roles.   The1990 model For me this is the traditional business concept, the one taught on my MBA, the one I was helped grow and my first startup.  There were roles and structures and the more senior the role was related to a higher level of understanding, experience and insight.  Yes, Peter’s principle was rife.  The exec team could mange with a dashboard as the processes and foundations of the business were linear.  Any complexity was the fun of senior management allowing the sponge of middle management to both slow down change but maintain stability.   The Naughties “digital” The internet pioneers were off creating new and existing models, leaving the corporates to adapt to the new.  Finding and retaining digital expertise became the mantra for

Power, agency and influence: a new framework about complex relationships

Developing a Framework In this post, I am going to explore the relationship between power, agency and influence. The intent is to unpack each of these words and their relationships to each other. Power, agency and influence can have a constructive or destructive relationship cycle. We will explore how power, agency and influence in a constructive cycle lead to better outcomes and conversely how power, agency and influence in a destructive cycle lead to worse outcomes. We love the analogy about peeling an onion. We peel back one layer to reveal a new similar layer, each layer enabling us to offer a new idea or thinking and adding complexity. Often we use this model for ourselves to get to our inner core and what values drive us. As we peel back each layer of power, agency and influence, we will find there more complexity and interconnectedness; much we cannot grasp in the context of decision making and governance. As we peel back more layers of interconnections, we will find there are

What is the word for “The Fear of loss of community?” or “The fear of losing togetherness”

This commentary is following a call with Charlotte Valeur , we were chatting about the status of the economy, the future of governance and current issues with oversight.  We focussed on burnout and breakdown as we are seeing friends and staff suffering.  She mentioned a new fear, “The fear of losing togetherness.”  We explored this for some time as zoom/ hangouts/ Teams and all the other video chats, along with email and everything digital does not create togetherness.  Digital gives a different perspective on community, communication and exchanges.   What is the word that captures a new 2020 fear; “The Fear of Loss of Community/ Connectedness?” or “The Fear of Losing Togetherness” What is the word that captures a new 2020 fear; “The Fear of Loss of Community/ connectedness?” or “The Fear of Losing Togetherness” (FOLT)  Here are two lists ( One , Two ) of fears and below are a few that are relevant, but we don’t appear to have a word for what a video call does in creating the loss o

Why do we need to create new words?

An “authorism” is a word, phrase or name created by an author or journalist; a literary neologism. It was coined for the express purpose of giving a name to a book Authorism: Words Wrought by Writers Language, words and labels, are a common and creative invention of humans which enables us to shortcut detailed explanations. A dog is a short cut for mammal, fury, four legs, barks, teeth, friend, scout, alarm, protection to name a few. However, our choice of words; because they are a shortcut often lacks context and relationship.  We also use words to express and influence feelings and behaviours.  Love, for example, can mean, or be interpreted to mean many propositions depending on context and relationship. The 2019 update to the New Oxford Dictionary brings in the words “agender” and “intersexual” to help define better and enable more nuanced conversations about sexuality and gender identity, as society has words without the specific context and better words help us avoid conflict an

How and why does exponential stop, break or fail?

There is a really simple part to this that we know or can imagine. Below is what exponential looks like as a single graph - Wikipedia gives us some fabulous coverage   However, what happened before the exponential curve and what happens at the end of the curve.  What conditions led to the curve starting and what conditions mean the curve changes at some point in the future.   Both before and after having three possible options It is just a small part of a much larger curve and the more you step back from the right now data and have more data over time you are able to see that this is just one massive curve that is a continuum (green) The previous curve reaches a plateau and a period of time enables the readying of the next curve.  (blue) The reduction in entropy (more order) that is a direct result of any curve has to be fully dispersed (return to chaos ) in full or in part before another curve can start (yellow), so the same/ similar resources can be used

The future of work - a paradox.

The future of work is a question that is perpetual, as when ever you reach the new future of work, in the future, you need to think about the future of work.  For each generation, the future of work holds something different as they spring from the education world into a commercial mess.  The current #covid19 crisis has highlghted that work is an activity and not a place. The future of work in : 1960 was wanting to be more loved 1970 just hung on to your job 1980 was beat the competition, the end justifies the means 1990 be digital 2000 more, faster and cheaper 2010 was be more innovative 2020 I want to be useful and valued Right now, May 2020, hope in a future is a starting point 

In the context of AI, can a dog feel disappointment?

This strange question needs to be unpacked and to confirm no aminal was hurt in the writing!  This post is NOT addressing do animals feel emotions.  Anyone who has had a mouse to an elephant can easily answer that question; animals do present what humans interrupt as feeling and emotions. Can a dog feel disappointment is the wrong question!   If the question is, can a dog feel doggy-disappointment, surly the answer is yes?   What is doggy-disappointment, we don’t know as we are unable to determine the gap of expectation between what the dog thought they were getting and what actually happened.   Why is this important? What do we really mean when we ask when we think about, “can a dog feel disappointment?”  Is it, can a dog process the same feelings and emotions as a human as we understand disappointment?  We project onto the dog what we think and understand, without knowing what the dog does understand.  Given that emotions are chemistry/ biology and our chemistry/biology is very diff

Can we thrive on the dark side of the moon?

Image: Andrew McCarthy We know there will be normal on the other side of the lockdown and recession, but what is it and how will it be different? In seven weeks of lockdown, we have experienced seven years of process alternations and digital adaptations. If COVID19 had not emerged we would not have undertaken such digitization changes in such a time frame.  This pandemic has only just begun given the history of HIV which has just had its 40th birthday and SARS at 15, both complex viruses neither have vaccines.  We lack data right now and most of our actions are based on human hope and wishful thinking for better outcomes than the worst-case scenario. A new landscape It almost feels like we have been living on the lite side of the moon, seeing and understanding the layout of the land, its structure, our infrastructure and our connections.  The global pandemic has forced us to move to the other side of the moon, the side with no sunlight and w

Finally, a Single Unified Theory of Privacy

Image source:  linking quantum and relativity We love the idea of a single unified theory of everything. One eloquent and beautiful equation which describes everything. It can unfold and from it, all that is, can and will be explained.  It would provide a rationale to the unexplained and a purpose for the unreasonable. Such an equation would have logic, it can be translated into an algorithm, which we can code and run. From this exiliar we can solve all questions of humanity and our future will be predictable. It raises lots of questions. If we found the equation surely we would dissolve the need for a soul, our belief would be worthless, hope would be irrelevant, faith pointless and luck would be a calculation. Chaos and humanity will give way to order and authority — the Matrix was real. Ignoring if possible or if that is what we want, physics helpfully starts to highlight one of many problems of any unified theory. Relativity ( big stuff) has one set of equations and behaviours

The Problem of Time and how to predict the future

Time does not exist, it is something we have created to enable understanding. However time, some measure between two events is an interesting property. When you look at an image (picture) in "Linear time" (streaming) - seeing small pixels/ bits as they pass a point (let not do binary), it is impossible to work out the picture from the pixels.  You need all the streams aligned and when you step back you see the image. Looking at one pixel does not allow you to see the whole. When the separation, of an innovation/ idea to 10 million users, is only time; the question become how far along the journey do you go before the story becomes a picture that most can see, and how near to the end to you have to get before it is clear for everyone? What enables/ allows someone to see a picture before it exists and how many bits/ pixels do you need to have seen ?

Freedom within a framework

The image come from a super interesting post "Give Your Employees Freedom Within a Framework"

Why #consent is the wrong word for digital; because it does not have an end.

For sometime it has been a wrestle as to why "consent" could be the wrong word.  I have looked at a number of ways of exploring this thinking, but have failed to nail the "why."  Here are a few previous blog exploring the thinking: Why the portability of consent is important is  explored here   Layered consent is like peeling an onion, only to find it is not an onion is explored here Why opt-in and opt-out are the beginnings of consent is explored here What level of consent is reasonable the balance of forgiveness vs approval is explored here So this thinking got me looking at when consent ends in the traditional sense of the word.  Consent being that you provide your approval for something to happen. In the context it is used in law, consent is most often interrupted for the next action, next event or next period of time and once the event, time or action has passed the original consent is lapsed and new consent is sort. Consent cannot be assumed o