www.theIW.org - My new incubator/ collaboration / co-creation space is now live #iwuk




For the past year Simon and I have been growing, under the banner of  mashup*,  Ignite in partnership with Avanta.  The vision was to provide a space where early stage, high growth, companies can start, grow, meet and collaborate - accelerating the rate of their innovation and connecting with critical delivery and implementation skills.  So far fruit includes InDigitalStart-up IntelligenceBluefield and OOsocial. Whilst doing this I have also been part of the founding team to start-up a much bigger open collaborate/ co-creation space called IW (working with the City of London Corporation) and we opened the doors today!

There is now 10,000 sq foot of digital incubation space in the Smithfield.   IW is a shared, semi-open plan office space designed for growing companies in a vibrant atmosphere. We aim to attract dynamic young businesses who want to grow fast.  IW is not an exclusive club and is open to those who are prepared to stand up and justify why they will grow and what they are adding to the community.

The official launch week starts on June 13th when we will host a number of regular London events.....but I will be based here so please drop in an say hello. 1 East Poultry Avenue, London,EC1A 9PT

Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Innovation-Warehouse/130457720333445?sk=info

The community (so far today) http://network.theiw.org/ 

Twitter http://twitter.com/#!/IWuk

Foursquare https://foursquare.com/venue/22002839