Practical Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding; London event - June 20 @IWuk


Practical Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding in colloboration with IW (

Engaging Citizens or Customers with Web2.0 and Social Media

Interested in learning what all the hype is about? Curious as to what it takes to use crowdsourcing as part of your innovation strategy/ How do I get started with crowdfunding to fund change or startups? Join us for this interactive workshop which will cover the following topics:

  • Social media and its impact on product development, marketing and communications.
  • Practical Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding - what are they and how can you use them?
  • How to tap into the conversations that are already going on to make better decisions?
  • Making crowdsourcing pay for itself - the business case.
  • What are the restrictions around crowdfunding things like bands, businesses, charities, etc.?
  • Best practices and how to implement in your organization. How to overcome some of the negatives.
  • How social media fits into the success of crowdsourcing and crowdfunding?
  • As a digital agency - how can you decide if crowdsourcing is right for your clients?

You will also get to hear what happened at the Berlin Crowdconference (June 15th) where subject matter experts such as Jeff Howe will be speaking.

A light lunch will be served - Cost:  £10

When:   Monday, June 20th

Where:       Innovation Warehouse London - 1 East Poultry Avenue, 1st Floor

Speakers:  Paul Dombowsky, founder of Ideavibes (makers of the first Crowd Engagement Platform), and - a new Crowdfunding Initiative for Charities in Canada.