
Mobile E-Commerce Infographic from Microsoft Tag

infographic courtesy of Microsoft Tag. Smartphones are creating smarter shoppers – so how does that affect you? Check out our new infographic below to learn about the growth of mobile e-commerce, including how people are shopping on their phones, how many retailers have mobile sites (it's astonishingly small, considering over half of smartphone users would buy something from a mobile site), and which demographic makes purchases on their phones the most. This will be on the test...because by 2015, it's predicted that mobile purchases will total $119 billion globally!

Business maths and equations that help justify any business case!

            When trend is greater than the ROI of putting your pants on get out of bed Network effect equals one divide by the square root of zero Structure plus performance equals one divided by (serendipity + innovation) Poor business case times large outreach equals waste of everyone's time Measurement by accounting methods equals stupidity divided by loss of possible shareholder value Determination to blog and tweet equals (value of data divided) by (persistence times decay) Sound business case plus low outreach equals nice niche campaign A good days work equals productivity less tweeting less blogging less talking less thinking High exit value equals hype plus greed plus bubble Probability of getting it right first time equals network plus family wealth plus hyping trend entrepreneurship = motivation times number of customer squared  [e = mc 2 ] Propensity of accessing Facebook in bed equals your age divided by number of kids

Who creates identity - not me!

Who creates your identity and what is a better one to identity you? [assuming you know for what!] ·         Your government – yes certificates ·         Your education – yes providing you with an approach, attitude, ability to adapt, reason and apply ·         Your parents – yes the physical and basis of a viewpoint ·         Your family and friends – yes the feedback and refinement ·         My influencers, filters and those I follow – those who change or challenge me ·         My news – that which I like and which confirms I am right ·         My bias – the way I am that I like to have reinforced ·         My beliefs that I like – will remain irrespective of circumstance ·         Me - my behaviour, habits, routes and routines Is My Identity is just a mashup of (My Digital Footprint) what has happened to me and those I chose to change me or enforce what I already am?

Is there a hard boundary to a group?

One of the problems being faced by the advent of lots of data is trying to understand what are the new relationships and boundaries!  What does everyone know and what does someone know that no-one else does? What does someone have that is slow to get again? What data can I get or collect from you very quickly? Given that everyone has the same data on you, why can they not share this and make my life easy!  What makes you think that I will be more loyal to you because you know more? There are no easy boundaries, no clean firm and hard separation in segmentation and it likely that we need to rethink how we group people based on the creation of complex mashups of data that will create a movable pen rather than a fixed boundary that was based on easy but sloppy and overlapping ideals of demographics.

Klout's +K score - does it really have influence?

Online influence measurement is a nascent body of work and tends to focus on identifying "influencers"   Klout who has introduced a new feature they call "+K"   think Google “+1” or Facebook’s “like” button for influence.  At a random guess someone at Klout has realised that any measure of Influence is meaningless without context [what ever that it] but there is a need to establish a link between people, organizations, expertise and subjects. However the output (some determination of Influence) is only as good as the input and the algorithm, which itself needs to determine what is more valuable…. “who influences me or who/ how many do I influence?”   worth reading  From Any to Many: The Collective Influence

Banks are profiling you and not just for credit

Original article from CNN Money “ New cash transfer service rivals PayPal ” The vision of clearXchange is that you use your friends ID in some way to transfer money and hence take on PayPal as the dominant force in P2P payments. At the end of the article is a piece Your bank is profiling you! but it does not quite make the point that this allows access into transaction your were party to, but did not complete in the traditional way and who your friends are. More data about you. The question becomes that do we [the public] understand that for convenience of these services we are entering into the barter of data for service and that this data has more value that the ability to settle a debt with a friend.  Whilst I am sure that this settlement route prevents fraud and money laundering – it also tells “ someone ” about how you use cash, which by its very nature does not have that level of traceability.

Timelime of your past based on your LinkedIn

LinkedIn has  launched  the LinkedIn Connection Timeline and provides a way to remember people you used to work with throughout the years and see where they are now – how some have changed. The visualization illustrates “the tip of an iceberg” of structured social data could provide when accessible. The obvious next step is for other social graphs that show the timeline of who I connected to, when and the levels of interaction (rather link XOBNI + Memolane) Is there a model?  Brand, loyalty, discussion, marketing, viral, value – probably!