
How to keep friends on Facebook #digitalfootprint @UnfriendStudy


Facebook allows you to download your #digitalfootprint

They have built an easy way to quickly download to your computer everything you've ever posted on Facebook and all your correspondences with friends: your messages, Wall posts, photos, status updates and profile information.  If you want a copy of the information you've put on Facebook for any reason, you can click a link and easily get a copy of all of it in a single download. To protect your information, this feature is only available after confirming your password and answering appropriate security questions. We'll begin rolling out this feature to people later today, and you'll find it under your  account settings . There is a video on Mark Zuckerberg blog

digital birth - is before birth to early? 37% of UK mothers think it is OK #digitalfootprint

AVG Study Finds a Quarter of Children Have Online Births Before Their Actual Birth Dates Also read these posts Great data, but not sure we have thought through why we are doing it or how we keep the data. ---- Uploading prenatal sonogram photographs, tweeting pregnancy experiences, making online photo albums of children from birth, and even creating email addresses for babies - today’s parents are increasingly building digital footprints for their children prior to and from the moment they are born. AVG surveyed mothers in North America (USA and Canada), the EU5 (UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain), Australia/New Zealand and Japan, and found that 81 percent of children under the age of two currently have some kind of digital profile or footprint, with images of them posted online. In the US, 92 percent of child

digital birth - is before birth to early? 37% of UK mothers think it is OK #digitalfootprint

AVG Study Finds a Quarter of Children Have Online Births Before Their Actual Birth Dates Also read these posts Great data, but not sure we have thought through why we are doing it or how we keep the data. ---- Uploading prenatal sonogram photographs, tweeting pregnancy experiences, making online photo albums of children from birth, and even creating email addresses for babies - today’s parents are increasingly building digital footprints for their children prior to and from the moment they are born. AVG surveyed mothers in North America (USA and Canada), the EU5 (UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain), Australia/New Zealand and Japan, and found that 81 percent of children under the age of two currently have some kind of digital profile or footprint, with images of them posted online. In the US, 92 percent of child

creepy, fear, doubt, harm and damages from your #digitalfootprint

The reason for posting a copy of this article is to think about the truth it tells us about digital footprints living forever.  It is easy to build an article about big brother and somehow it is creepy that we are watched (knowingly and unknowingly) and it makes fabulous tabloid headlines.  Creepy increases FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) fuelled by headlines and the odd article.   However,  as shown below it is likely that the cost of keeping all data may just be too high and we need to become selective, indeed we may even print it.  Do we have the first flint knife, stone axa or sword and every iteration of them, or just a few and we can work it out - how much (data, evidence) do we really need. The question that should be asked is about damages.  Yes people can be tracked and found, and Google has settled on its fines for 'abuse' with street view but the level of real damages is very low.   Therefore are we far more worried about digital footprints than, in reality,

creepy, fear, doubt, harm and damages from your #digitalfootprint

The reason for posting a copy of this article is to think about the truth it tells us about digital footprints living forever.  It is easy to build an article about big brother and somehow it is creepy that we are watched (knowingly and unknowingly) and it makes fabulous tabloid headlines.  Creepy increases FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) fuelled by headlines and the odd article.   However,  as shown below it is likely that the cost of keeping all data may just be too high and we need to become selective, indeed we may even print it.  Do we have the first flint knife, stone axa or sword and every iteration of them, or just a few and we can work it out - how much (data, evidence) do we really need. The question that should be asked is about damages.  Yes people can be tracked and found, and Google has settled on its fines for 'abuse' with street view but the level of real damages is very low.   Therefore are we far more worried about digital footprints than, in reality,

several ways to "hang" yourself

    Some interesting correspondence following yesterdays post about "Being a professional and having social anonymity is a crime" These images are my response to "How to 'hang' yourself in public and why we should hide" You can do it your self (or with the aid of some enemies) You can present your achievements in a public place You can do something stupid You can misunderstand the term Within the context of a digital footprint why is this important.   Digital footprints are about what you say about yourself and what others say about you. You can control what you say about your self You probably are unaware of what data you have provided about yourself and to who and who they will use it You don't control what others say about you (unless they break the law) You have no idea what data there is out there that links to you from your network   Given this, behave like a professional and you will probably have a digital footprint to be proud of which describes