
Showing posts with the label liberty

Internet and censorship #privacy #digitalfootprint

© Rule 18 – Fear, uncertainty and doubt sell – this is such a good visual image of what old media wants you to believe about those recording your data. I do believe that we should not store data (as it is a cost and liability) and therefore there is not someone looking at you and your data, they are looking at your behaviour and how you react – but this any less scary?

How to keep friends on Facebook #digitalfootprint @UnfriendStudy


digital birth - is before birth to early? 37% of UK mothers think it is OK #digitalfootprint

AVG Study Finds a Quarter of Children Have Online Births Before Their Actual Birth Dates Also read these posts Great data, but not sure we have thought through why we are doing it or how we keep the data. ---- Uploading prenatal sonogram photographs, tweeting pregnancy experiences, making online photo albums of children from birth, and even creating email addresses for babies - today’s parents are increasingly building digital footprints for their children prior to and from the moment they are born. AVG surveyed mothers in North America (USA and Canada), the EU5 (UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain), Australia/New Zealand and Japan, and found that 81 percent of children under the age of two currently have some kind of digital profile or footprint, with images of them posted online. In the US, 92 percent of child

digital birth - is before birth to early? 37% of UK mothers think it is OK #digitalfootprint

AVG Study Finds a Quarter of Children Have Online Births Before Their Actual Birth Dates Also read these posts Great data, but not sure we have thought through why we are doing it or how we keep the data. ---- Uploading prenatal sonogram photographs, tweeting pregnancy experiences, making online photo albums of children from birth, and even creating email addresses for babies - today’s parents are increasingly building digital footprints for their children prior to and from the moment they are born. AVG surveyed mothers in North America (USA and Canada), the EU5 (UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain), Australia/New Zealand and Japan, and found that 81 percent of children under the age of two currently have some kind of digital profile or footprint, with images of them posted online. In the US, 92 percent of child

Being a professional and having social anonymity is a crime

I have stolen this blog from the original article at 33charts by Bryan Vartabedian and changed Doctor to Professional – As a Chartered Engineer CEng and Fellow of both the Institution of Engineering and Technology and Chartered Institute of Marketing I totally agree but I see it as a wider issue than doctors.   Professionals should not be socially anonymous. We need to be seen. Here's why going underground isn't good policy for us: Anonymity makes you say stupid things. When you're shouting from the crowd it's easy to talk smack. Come up to the podium, clear your throat, and say something intelligent. You're a professional, not a hooligan. It's 2010: Anonymity died a long time ago. You think anonymity offers shelter? Anonymity is a myth. You can create a cockamamie pseudonym, but you can't hide. And if I don't find you, the plaintiff attorneys will. They found Flea . Being a “nerd” is no excuse. Just as you're unlikely to consult a law

When CCTV can recognise you

Today we are concerned in some ways by the thought that CCTV can capture our actions and the issues about our privacy.  This is balanced with the comfort that so are others and those who have nothing to hide are safe.  Data (video) is kept in the promise that at some point it could be used to protect you, and conversely used to capture you, when the algorithms become sufficiently good to interrupt actions, I hope never intent. Today, in the most part, the CCTV system cannot link the image of you to an identity of you.  When this link is established could it be used to make your personal data more secure?  If you lost your phone, image the local CCTV network acknowledging that it is not you holding your phone and locks the device up, or indeed starts to track it. Would such data (systems linking images to identity) be of use, or are the benefits outweighed by the possible downsides?

San Francisco Chronicle asks can you delete your digital footprint

  Article today in SF Gate What would it take for an individual to erase his digital footprint? Is it even possible to exit the Internet? The short answer is no.  

The Six screens of life become 7 #mdfp

Dark Screen When writing my digital footprint I updated the Six screen’s of life work originally developed for mobile web 2.0 (extract on read/write web)    However, I have now realised that I missed one out. What is said in summary is that for the most part, we are consumers of content. In our daily lives we consume professionally created, produced and edited content from traditional and new media providers on our ‘si x screens of life’. These screens are divided into two broad categories, big screens and small screens, each with three subgroups as per figure 2. Figure 2 :  6 screens of life   Both for big and small screens, the user has traditionally been a passive receiver of content (content has been broadcast to the user) or the user has been seen as a member of a carefully controlled and managed audience (e.g. voting) – but not as a primary creator of content. For instance: both TV and cinema need users to consume (view); and a website needs users to consume/interact in most

Erasing David #mdfp

  I was invited by Olswang to private viewing of Erasing David which is a documentary about privacy, surveillance and the database state. Made with The Channel 4 BRITDOC Foundation “David Bond lives in one of the most intrusive surveillance states in the world. He decides to find out how much private companies and the government know about him by putting himself under surveillance and attempting to disappear a decision that changes his life forever. Leaving his pregnant wife and young child behind, he is tracked across the database state on a chilling journey that forces him to contemplate the meaning of privacy and the loss of it.”   The plot is about David, who tries to run away and hide and in the process discovers how his data can be tracked and presents his story. The film will be in cinemas on 29 th April 2010, and screened on the UK’s Channel 4 Television on 4th May 2010.   From my perspective it is a dark side story line about privacy, surveillance and liberty, where if you