Questions to help frame your own paradoxes!
Questions to help frame your own paradoxes Leadership must be able to recognise the paradoxes created as they decide on “ what they are optimising for. ” The last article described two different starting points for the Peak Paradox model; finding paradox and living with paradox . It is evident that the compromises we elect to live with become more focused as we agreed or decide on what we are optimising for. Such a focus has a benefit insomuch that the narrower and more articulate our view of optimised becomes, the more decisions can become aligned . However, the counter is that whilst a sharp focus and alignment will require less compromise for some, but it will equally increase the paradoxes/ compromises and tensions others will have to live with. One team can be aligned to a vision but not necessarily on how to get there or live with the chosen “optimised” approach. Stress is created by these differences and can create cracks and weaknesses in the team and...