
Alessandro Acquisti: Why privacy matters

“Any personal information can become sensitive at some point!” The line between public and private has blurred in the past decade, both online and in real life, and Alessandro Acquisti is here to explain what this means and why it matters. In this thought-provoking, slightly chilling talk, he shares details of recent and ongoing research -- including a project that shows how easy it is to match a photograph of a stranger with their sensitive personal information. What motivates you to share your personal information online? Alessandro Acquisti studies the behavioral economics of privacy (and information security) in social networks

if My Digital Footprint is an original work - what automatic copyright am I afforded?

Assumption : My Digital Footprint is an original work Protection : there are framework to protect original work from copy Does my original work, which changing moment by moment, afford any automatic copyright?

I will be speaking at IDentity Next '13 - The Hague 19th November


I am speaking at #mobilerocks @MobilistaRocks

I am speaking at Mobilista Rockstars ( ) which is being organised by Tomi Ahonen.  Mobilista Rockstars is a unique collection of 3, 2-day events that are all going to be taking place in the week of 7 th October in Hong Kong, London and New York.  The focus is on “ defining the commercial opportunities in digital for this decade ” Tomi has been putting this together now for a couple of months and I’m flattered to have been asked to be one of the 32 keynote presenters, especially in such an incredible line-up of industry thought-leaders.   As a speaker, I’m also in a position to offer you a 10% discount if you decide to attend the event.  All the registrations for the event are being taken online at and if you can see the value in coming along please use the discount code 1MRTF and that will qualify you for the reduced attendance price. I hope that you can join me at one of the events, as it would be great to see

I will be speaking at MUNICH MEDIA DAYS on 18th October

I will be speaking at MEDIENTAGE MUNICH 2013   about Location and digital footprints. The overall theme this year is “Mobile Life: A Challenge for Media, Advertising and Society”

Why do you think deleting an account reduces your digital footprint?

Somewhere out there, there is a copy of your data.  Once created and you have shared it  publicly  it will be there - somewhere outside of your control.  Just because you have removed it from your places, it doesn't mean that it has been removed from everywhere….. The only  truly  private place is what happens in your mind and never shared. Everything else is based on trust.

When Your Data Wanders to Places You've Never Been

By   NATASHA SINGER Source: The essence of this is article is that we don't know how or why something's happen in a digital world. Our data can go anywhere and is not in our control – nor is what others imply about us based on our data.  When it adds value we love it, when it does not we find it creepy