
Behavioural principles that help you sell more & me understand influence! Worth 20 minutes of your time if you are in communication and want to use behavioural principles for sustainable development. And if you enjoy that, make sure you follow Dan Ariely – Predictably Irrational Why of interest – as much as this helps you improve your message; it helps me understand influence. [slideshare id=3776632&w=425&h=355&sc=no] 

All digital interaction has consequences. Thinking about TV + Twitter

From TV Genius (great blog) Facebook according to Goldman Sachs’ has more value than DirectTV + BskyB.  We know that social media is changing people as we spend more time online than in front of the TV but we sit with a companion screen which has become our interaction screen. The fun is that viewers are watching more live TV than ever before, driven by social networks on our companion screen where we can give and view others opinions. During the 2011 Oscars, there were over 10,000 tweets per minute with the event racking up 1.8 million tweets overall. TV Genius has been tracking all the TV shows that people tweet about in the UK. We collected data on each show that received at least one tweet per minute during the live broadcast. A screenshot of some of the shows people tweeted about is below.  . TF Comment: Why the interest here? TV is broadcast and they don’t know who you are; this level of interaction means I know who you are and what you like leading me to conclude “ all di

List of companies who want to manage your identity, login and privacy

  Delighted if you can add to this list Identity  with openID verify your identity across multiple sites. FindMeOn. org  verify your identity so people know which profiles are you.   crawls the web for mentions for ‘specific data’ to stop identity theft.   provides a universal username and password to use on openID enabled websites  allows users to access websites and passwords from any computer.   plugin to manage login List of OpenID providers   Reputation  build and protect your personal brand  measure of influence based on what you do on line    measure of influence based on what you do on line  look up your reputation and rate others  remove what you don’t like    measure of reputation based on what you do on line Build an online reputation so other can trust you  trust and reputation provider   Fakenamegenerato

An ingenious application of crowdsourcing: Fix reviews grammar, improve sales

Panos Ipeirotis New York, NY, United States. Associate Professor at the IOMS Department at Stern School of Business of New York University. The original Article is here and worth a full read and the comments During research they have noticed is that the quality of the reviews can have an impact on product sales,  independently of the polarity of the review . A review that is well-written tends to inspire confidence about the product, even if the review is negative. They noticed that demand for a hotel increases if the online reviews on TripAdvisor and Travelocity are well-written, without spelling errors; this holds no matter if the review is positive or negative. An online retailer noticed that indeed products with high-quality reviews are selling well. So, they decided to take action. They used Amazon Mechanical Turk to improve the quality of its reviews. Using the  Find-Fix-Verify pa

So who has my data and the wider Epsilon email breach

Experts suggest that the Epsilon email breach actually took place in late March and we become aware of it in Early April through traditional media. Here is the full(est) list of companies who were affected. However, why do companies such as Capital One to Verizon hire Epsilon? Given the regulation and technical complexity relating to personal data storage and permission email it would appear that there is an economies-of-scale argument from having a specialist; but here is the rub, it introduces a single point of failure. Which leads to the question about who I “trust?” Customers placed their trust in companies and these companies gave their customer data to Epsilon who were not directly or implied in the trust relationship.  Who’s brand is damaged Epsilon or the house-hold name? Whilst I am sure that there are service level agreements between the parties but whilst personal data is seen as a liability (high cost to manage and maintain within regulation) this will continue, as b

What happens to your digital data when you die

Image from Grieving families are being left out of pocket because people are forgetting to include passwords to their digital assets in their wills, according to a new study entitled  Dying in a Digital Age . Commissioned by Remember a Charity, the research found that 80 per cent of people own digital assets, but only nine per cent have thought about passing them on when they die. The study, which polled 2,000 people, found that: – over half of respondents (56 per cent) said they have a digital music collection, with 45 per cent valuing it at over £100 and 10 per cent at over £1,000. – A third of people own smartphone apps (34 per cent) with 20 per cent saying their collections are worth over £100. To help people plan how to pass on their digital assets, Remember a Charity has produced a checklist that can be downloaded from its  web site . ----- If you want to join in the debate on this topic there is and is run by my NA friend Kali

Who is tracking my cookies?

The AT&T Registry , powered by BlueKai, brings transparency to consumers by allowing them to see what preferences are being logged via the cookies on their computer. Furthermore, consumers can also control their anonymous profile by managing their topics of interest. Your preferences may be used anonymously to influence which types of marketing messages you receive across partner sites that we work with. Or you can choose to not participate at all via an  opt-out .