
I am speaking at "a fine balance" #mdfp

Image The Digital Systems KTN and Technology Strategy Board invite you to Europe’s most influential data privacy conference – A Fine Balance 2010: Privacy in the digital society . A fully interactive event, this is your opportunity to hear from and influence the individuals involved in shaping our digital future.

I am speaking at "a fine balance" #mdfp

Image The Digital Systems KTN and Technology Strategy Board invite you to Europe’s most influential data privacy conference – A Fine Balance 2010: Privacy in the digital society . A fully interactive event, this is your opportunity to hear from and influence the individuals involved in shaping our digital future.

spring clean your digital footprint #mdfp

Image Source - Mashable have posted a “ How to clean up your Facebook profile ”   However as it suggests this is a tidy up, not a spring clean.  Spring clean means throwing out loads of last years rubbish.  My mum does it every year and I come home from the Easter Sunday family meal with more of my old junk (apparently good for a car boot sale) Does the digital world want a clean up feature (tidy up the mess but in reality it is still in the cupboard which is now a mess but it is not on display) or a spring clean feature (thrown away and delete) Would you pay to have your last years data removed?

Who do you think you are? #mdfp

I am interested in what makes up my digital footprint.   Aaron Zinman  (MIT) work on personas was first presented in 2009.  At that point I entered my name and have just been back to see if any thing has changed. My issue is my name Tony Fish, of which there are several interpretations:- I am not the only person called Tony Fish. A quick search on Linkedin   Facebook 123People shows there are lots. I have spoken to over 80 of them from across the world including US, Australia, UK and New Zealand.  I am trying to link more off There are a lot men called Tony who like fishing, therefore most images of Tony Fish are Tony holding his catch.  Google Images , Flickr There are a lot of Tony’s Fish restaurants.  The most popular one at the moment is based in Canada, they have done well on social media Tony's Fish & Oyster Cafe There is a semi-famous Tony Fish – who is actor in MadMen and the odd one from Taiwan   So when comparing my old and new results

Who do you think you are? #mdfp

I am interested in what makes up my digital footprint.   Aaron Zinman  (MIT) work on personas was first presented in 2009.  At that point I entered my name and have just been back to see if any thing has changed. My issue is my name Tony Fish, of which there are several interpretations:- I am not the only person called Tony Fish. A quick search on Linkedin   Facebook 123People shows there are lots. I have spoken to over 80 of them from across the world including US, Australia, UK and New Zealand.  I am trying to link more off There are a lot men called Tony who like fishing, therefore most images of Tony Fish are Tony holding his catch.  Google Images , Flickr There are a lot of Tony’s Fish restaurants.  The most popular one at the moment is based in Canada, they have done well on social media Tony's Fish & Oyster Cafe There is a semi-famous Tony Fish – who is actor in MadMen and the odd one from Taiwan   So when comparing my old and new results

digital identity interviews #mdfp

Interviews from the recent digital identity event. Tony Fish, Nicky Hickman, Robin Wilton, Alan Moore and David Rennie Write up

digital identity interviews #mdfp

Interviews from the recent digital identity event. Tony Fish, Nicky Hickman, Robin Wilton, Alan Moore and David Rennie Write up