
Showing posts with the label facebook

Facebook tracks what you do online, even when you're logged out - fixed but thanks for the detailed analysis

Nik Cubrilovic,  Entrepreneur, hacker and writer original Whilst the Important Update say Facebook has responded and issued a fix for this issue. See the  follow up blog post "Facebook Fixes Logout Issue, Explains Cookies" I am very grateful that there are people about who go looking for this ....

Citi analyst Mark Mahaney put out a research note with comScore data that showed Facebook had passed Google in terms of time spent online.

Citi analyst Mark Mahaney put out a research note with comScore data that showed Facebook had passed Google in terms of time spent online. Mahaney observed: Looking at % of Total Time Spent by the top 5 sites in August, Facebook, for the first time took the top spot with 41.1B minutes followed by Google with 39.8B minutes. Yahoo! fell to the 3rd spot with 37.7B minutes. Also, Yahoo!’s share of time spent in Q3 QTD slid to an all-time low of 9.3%. On a separate note, Google’s management noted that its number of global users crossed the 1B mark for the first time.

Facebook Claims It Can Use Kids' 'Likes' As it Likes, Wants Class Action Tossed

Facebook asked a federal judge to dismiss a class action accusing it of exploiting children, claiming that Facebook users' "like" statements qualify as matters of public interest  "Expressions of consumer opinion, such as the plaintiffs' Like statements challenged here, have repeatedly qualified as matters of public interest under the First Amendment," Facebook claimed in a motion seeking "more definite statement or dismissal."   On behalf of their children, Melissa Dawes and Jennifer DeYoung filed a class action on June 1, claiming Facebook's non-negotiable terms of membership that say its members are subject to such advertising and marketing do not apply to minor children. The plaintiffs say children lack the capacity to consent to the use of their name and photographs for marketing, advertising and selling of goods and services. Facebook uses users' "Like" statements to

Should you comment on that Facebook status - a simple guide !

Sorry don’t have a source.

Tracking facebook and the growth of social networks

Information designer Vincenzo Cosenza  has released  an updated map  of his social networking traffic around the world. Suffice it to say, there's no more compelling way to watch Facebook metastasize across the world.

Target Facebook Fans for 44% Cheaper Registrations Says TBG Digital

6th June 2011. By advertising to Facebook fans instead of non-fans, advertisers can reduce the acquisition cost of registrations by 44%, event signups by 33%, and purchases by 15%. These results of a 4.1 billion ad-impression, thirteen-client test have been exclusively shared with Inside Facebook by TBG Digital, developers of one of the most popular technology solutions for buying huge volumes of Facebook ads . It is worth a read if the entire article ….

Google+ "I can explain everything"


See what you are sharing when you log in via Facebook Connect

Image See what you are sharing when you log in via Facebook Connect  - simulator

Surprise - Facebook users don't understand privacy settings - Columbia research

Full study - The Failure of Online Social Network Privacy Settings Researchers from Columbia University have completed a study determining Facebook users' perceptions of their privacy settings. By tracking and interviewing 65 students aged 18 to 25, they found that every single one of the participants were sharing personal information in ways they hadn't intended when setting up their privacy settings. While 95% of participants were initially confident that their settings protected the information they wanted to protect, participants eventually found that information they wanted to hide was public (93.8%), and information they wanted to share was hidden (84%). Also in the study, users' most important reasons for protecting their privacy online was to protect their online reputation (49%), to safeguard against identity theft and other economic risks (38%), and to protect against general security threats (12%). Abstract Increasingly, people are sharing sensitive personal

Give Me My Data - application that allows you to export your Facebook.

About Give Me My Data Give Me My Data is a Facebook application that helps users export their data out of Facebook. Reasons could include making artwork, archiving and deleting your account, or circumventing the interface Facebook provides. Data can be exported in CSV, XML, and other common formats. Give Me My Data is currently in public-beta. Give Me My Data is developed by  Owen Mundy .  @owenmundy

Facebook - you're just doing it wrong


Facebook - you're just doing it wrong


Facebook - you're just doing it wrong


Facebook has published a short blog post, opening up of users' personal contact details to app developers.

Facebook has published a short blog post ‘opening up of users’ personal contact details to app developers.’   Facebook statement: "Developers can now request permission to access a person’s address and mobile phone number to make applications built on Facebook more useful and efficient. You need to explicitly choose to share your data before any app or website can access it and no private information is shared without your permission. As an additional step for this new feature, you're not able to share your friends' address or mobile information.” Third party app developers will only gain access to this personal information, if the user agrees to give make it available when downloading the app. However, it does assume you have read the Terms and Conditions and can understand them. Whilst many analysts are not sure why Facebook has made this change now but are concerned about what unvetted third party developers will do with the additional information.   So What! This dat

Facebook has published a short blog post, opening up of users' personal contact details to app developers.

Facebook has published a short blog post ‘opening up of users’ personal contact details to app developers.’   Facebook statement: "Developers can now request permission to access a person’s address and mobile phone number to make applications built on Facebook more useful and efficient. You need to explicitly choose to share your data before any app or website can access it and no private information is shared without your permission. As an additional step for this new feature, you're not able to share your friends' address or mobile information.” Third party app developers will only gain access to this personal information, if the user agrees to give make it available when downloading the app. However, it does assume you have read the Terms and Conditions and can understand them. Whilst many analysts are not sure why Facebook has made this change now but are concerned about what unvetted third party developers will do with the additional information.   So What! This dat

Follow and lemmings- facebook cartoon was a highly successful spoof for NSPCC

Like many, I was asked by my kids to change my profile to a Cartoon in support of NSPCC.  It is now widely reported that this a spoof.  It is ironic that the last post is about the value of follow.  Whilst consideration was given to everyone following the original fool there is still value to be created. Damage from this spoof - 'We were pleased to note that the NSPCC, while not responsible for the campaign, have welcomed the attention it has brought to this important issue.' However, if we now give to NSPCC, it has made a difference.

How to keep friends on Facebook #digitalfootprint @UnfriendStudy


Facebook allows you to download your #digitalfootprint

They have built an easy way to quickly download to your computer everything you've ever posted on Facebook and all your correspondences with friends: your messages, Wall posts, photos, status updates and profile information.  If you want a copy of the information you've put on Facebook for any reason, you can click a link and easily get a copy of all of it in a single download. To protect your information, this feature is only available after confirming your password and answering appropriate security questions. We'll begin rolling out this feature to people later today, and you'll find it under your  account settings . There is a video on Mark Zuckerberg blog

Are we encouraging the Social Media generation to lie?

My starting position is that the education system is encouraging the Social Media Generation (SMG) to think about their digital footprints – Halleluja!   I agree with the principal that you should make ‘people’ aware that what their write about themselves can come back to haunt them.  Indeed, further, what they say about others may be an indication of their professionalism.   However, following a round table, it is also evident that what the SMG have done is created ‘virtual identies’  There is one, the public facebook which looks like they have never done anything exciting or broken any health and safety law (basically rather dull and duitiful), and then the series of private worlds where they use nick names to share the reality of their shared lives. Therefore, the employer can now see a perfect digital history, which has been created for them, meaning that as an employer your online check is now as good as reviewing a CV.  You know it is beefed up, indeed Mr Employer did you know


From: Sean Dockray A roadmap for an effective Facebook suicide should do some of the following: catching as many viruses as possible; click on as many ?Like? buttons as possible; join as many groups as possible; request as many friends as possible. Wherever there is the possibility for action, take it, and take it without any thought whatsoever. Become a machine for clicking! Every click dissolves the virtual double that Facebook has created for you. It disperses you into the digital lives of others you hadn?t thought of communicating with. It confuses your friends. It pulls all those parts of the world that your social network refuses to engage with back into focus, makes it present again. Other alternatives:- - stick to facebook and provide rubbish data. “database vandalism!” - "fakebook" where you do not use your real name and fill your profile with nonsense information.