
Showing posts with the label analysis

Gartner Predictions for Big Data

Gartner Predictions for Big Data from Bruno Aziza

How algorithms changed the world!


Would you believe it ..Your digital footprint says a lot more about you than you think ! - research

Would you believe it ….Your digital footprint says a lot more about you than you think ! Researchers at Cambridge University ( study press release ) published at distilled Facebook data to predict some personality traits or behaviours such as “sexual orientation, ethnicity, religious and political views, personality traits, intelligence, happiness, use of addictive substances, parental separation, age and gender.”  Well if you give off the signals (links, likes, pages) it is quite easy to determine…. The analysis is based on 58,000 volunteers who offered to share their Facebook “likes.” Using the information gleaned from Facebook, the researchers were able to accurately tell a man’s sexual orientation 88 percent of the time, whether they were white or African-American 95 percent of the time, and whether they were a Democrat or Republican 85 percent of the time. Even religious affiliation, specifically determining if a person was Christian or Muslim, was pr

How should influence work?

Source: The source about is from Chris Brogan - well worth reading about how created digital footprints are not about influence in the real sense. The reflective question being posed by Chris is a good one. What is real influence? Essentially it is that is influence is about me accepting and being ready to accept ideals as they are timely and not about how much you can tell me what to do! one to think on….

badges for 1% and 5% - what else does this tell the market

So I have been given a 1% badge from LinkedIn and a 5% badge from Kred – so what…. As I kind of get gamification and the desire to spread the great news but in telling me this what else have they told me…. Based on LinkedIn numbers If I assume that all 1% members (2 Million of us) have 1,000 profile views every 3 months or 4,000 per year. Therefore the top1% of members provide 8bn hits – how much should we now we charging LinkedIn as we provide I can feel a model coming on here… and will the numbers add up to the LinkedIn plan and SEC filing

Hidden Costs from data theft...

Source :

At which point should your data record your experience?

Source : So you are out shopping (in store or online) and you buy a product – is that an experience that matters and how should the data be collected/ recorded? You get home and find that the goods are faulty or they arrive faulty - is that an experience that matters and how should the data be collected/ recorded? You call the retailer and sort something out - is that an experience that matters and how should the data be collected/ recorded? The customer experience team converted it from disappointment to delight - is that an experience that matters and how should the data be collected/ recorded? Three months later – which one do you remember and which one (ones) does your digital footprint remember and how do you know you have all the data for building experience?

Harm and how much you and your data is worth?

    Overall if you read this lot – your data (digital footprint) remains as relatively worthless … whilst the inconvenience, annoyance and frustration of losing you data or identity is not added as a cost item. Real harm, as measured in financial terms is low as all wider impacts are ignored, such as time wasted on the phone, unintended consequences, the cost of rectification, unable to get pictures or content back.... etc How much are you worth to a cyber-criminal? How Much Your Stolen Data Is Worth to Scammers How Much Are You Worth To Mark Zuckerberg? The plummeting price of stolen personal data How much are you worth to Google? How Much is Your Data Worth? How much is your online data worth? How much is your data worth? Why Your Identity Is Worth $5,000  How much is your personal identity worth? Your ID Price Tag: The Cost of a Stolen Identity    

descriptive analytics, predictive analytics and prescriptive analytics - comparing

Source :

What would Malcolm X say about Google and algorithm bias in the form of racial profiling?

March 13 - update BBC reports more research on the same topic... As widely reported based in the original The Huffington Post article and the more recent one in The Telegraph . The long and short of the story is that new clean accounts with different names get served different ads, and it appears to be repeatable.  The FUD community loves to quote an old Eric Schmidt video discussing how important knowing your real name is for their advertising purposes. On both occasion Google has said " We do not use names to serve ads. We do not use racial, ethnic, or sexual orientation to serve ads. Our system uses terms in the content of an email on the assumption that the user may be interested in ads on the same subject. For example, if someone mentions ‘Eid’ in an email, our computer algorithms would assume the person could be interested in Eid-related ads ." ---- What is far more interesting is the 280+ comments on the teleg

more data; is that just more signal and more noise or actually less?

So the adage goes… get as much data as possible and if you can get twice as much you get twice the outcome.  We are taught in data collection “you want the best signal to noise you can get” – Is it true that if you get twice as much data do you get better results or do you get twice the signal, twice the noise and eventually less wisdom. If you have all the trades on a specific stock price, are you more able/likely/ capably of determine trends and outcomes.    If you traded some of this second by second trading data for some wider economic data will the results improve. Less data. Where is this thought going? Should we stop gathering all data and focus on that data that has relevance, connection or meaning ( don’t collect for collection sake).  We don’t collect data hoping to find insights but start by thinking that what is the least data we need to provide the desired outcome? Yes we will only find what we are looking for, so it is self fulfilling but this is not selection or fil

Dilbert : don't worry what the data says


You changed the way you kissed me - what can data really tell us?

Loving listing to the Example this morning - 'Changed The Way You Kiss Me' ( Official Video) But it makes me think…. I have this idea that your digital footprint (data) can tell me everything about you (and me), well eventually.  If all your yummy digital data is captured and we have the algorithm it could predict what is going on and even what will happen.  So this song raises an interesting question; When you Change The Way You Kiss someone – did you know, do they know, does the matrix know or was I able to predict it?  Behavioural economist Dan Ariely, the author of Predictably Irrational , uses classic visual illusions and his own counterintuitive (and sometimes shocking) research findings to show how we're not as rational as we think when we make decisions and therefore maybe we can – but does this idea take away some aspect of us being human?

inspiring. Frank Warren: Half a million secrets #TED - what data can tell you

Viewing Product vs Service: Public Vs Private: throught the eyes of Google Ngram data

Over on Doc Searls weblog he posted What and who are we? And this started me thinking about some other terms…how we accept something have always been. I normalised by view from looking at microprocessor vs transistor. See the full gallery on Posterous

Nancy Lublin: Texting that saves lives: TED talk

When Nancy Lublin started texting teenagers to help with her social advocacy organization, what she found was shocking -- they started texting back about their own problems, from bullying to depression to abuse. So she's setting up a text-only crisis line, and the results might be even more important than she expected.

Some great data from the Facebook data team

Here some articles from Facebook about their data provided by the Facebook data team Sources:   and Rethinking Information Diversity in Networks Do friends shape the information you see and read online? Some claim that social networks act like echo chambers in which people only consume and share information from likeminded close friends, stifling the spread of diverse information. Our study paints a different picture of the world. The Links of Love Some people marry their high school sweethearts and live together ‘til death do them part’. Other couples go their separate ways and find love anew. All these collective romantic movements can be used to construct a relationship graph. Relationship graphs (Susan dated Joe who previously dated Jane...) are difficult to maintain on a napkin or a whiteboard because who’s dating whom can quickly become yesterday’s news. But on Facebook, updating a relatio

@stephen_wolfram: The Personal Analytics of My Life

Source: The article is a walk through Stephen’s life based on his data and the data shows what we expect of a professional.  Where is the value?  The value comes, I think, not from this data set but from the collective of data sets.  If we all did this and provided our data for it to be compared and contrasted. And this is where we have to be careful. If I carefully pick people like me, guess what we will all slap ourselves on the back and say well done we are all as “efficient” as each other. How do you find improvements, how do you determine wastage, how to you seek out value, where is inspiration…. We know it is in there, but how do we find it and nurture it as it is about to occur?

Desire Engines: beyond reinforcing behaviour to create habits via @nireyal

Article and Image Source : Desire engines, as explained by Nir Eyal  go beyond reinforcing behaviour to creating habits, spurring users to act on their own, without the need for expensive external stimuli like advertising. Think Social media, online games, and email and any habit-forming technologies. At the heart of a “desire engine” is a powerful cognitive quirk described by B.F. Skinner in the 1950s, called a variable schedule of rewards or the earlier in the Pavlov Dog experiments . Skinner observed that lab mice responded most voraciously to random rewards. The mice would press a lever and sometimes they’d get a small treat, other times a large treat, and other times nothing at all. Unlike the mice that received the same treat every time, the mice that received variable rewards seemed to press the lever compulsively. We (like it or not), like the mice in Skinner’s box, crave predictability and struggle to find

Do we want to give users CONTROL over their data or do we want to give users CONTROLS over their data? Views?

source : This is a interesting set of posts from OpenDigital on Identity.  It leaves open still for me an important question.... Do we want to give users CONTROL over their data or do we want to give users CONTROLS over their data.....I struggle to see how icons will ever help as the onus comes to the user and sharing becomes complex and difficult, and whilst you may well do the right thing there is no control over your neighbour who may not do the right thing with your data.