
Privacy researcher Christopher Soghoian sees the landscape of government surveillance shifting beneath our feet, as an industry grows to support monitoring programs. Through private companies, he says, governments are buying technology with the capacity to break into computers, steal documents and monitor activity — without detection. This TED Fellow gives an unsettling look at what's to come.

How data will transform business

What does the future of business look like? In an informative talk, Philip Evans gives a quick primer on two long-standing theories in strategy — and explains why he thinks they are essentially invalid.

Edward Snowden at TED on the right to data privacy

Appearing by telepresence robot, Edward Snowden speaks at TED2014 about surveillance and Internet freedom. The right to data privacy, he suggests, is not a partisan issue, but requires a fundamental rethink of the role of the internet in our lives — and the laws that protect it. "Your rights matter,” he says, "because you never know when you're going to need them." Chris Anderson interviews, with special guest Tim Berners-Lee.

Catherine Bracy: Why good hackers make good citizens

Image is everything - it is just that we cannot machine interrupt it

interrupting our free from communication is much more difficult than we think

Voice .... just more data or more secure?

Voice: as the next big thing has been a cyclic mantra for at least 20 years – which is the time I have been in telecoms and high tech. Why voice? Voice recognition, voice ads, voice biometrics, unified messaging, ease, navigation (interface)… voice is content and that is often more valuable than the telecom operator/ NAS collected data of who made the call, to whom, when, how often, from where and for how long. Patterns and meta data.  Interception and recording of all calls is possible but you need to know who and what to look for. They can listen but not to everyone! In fact Voice and Face recognition appear to be in similar season fashion at the moment, with many of the same fears and mantras.  However it is the tech that lets us down, not our acceptance or vision of what is possible.  Voice and Face recognition are also different.  Voice is content and a continuous stream. Face is a one off, closer to finger print recognition for value, however voice and face allows y

The radical shift from profit motivated greed to purpose driven awareness and the impact on the 4 P's in a marketing mix!

Tony Fish @My Digital Footprint When we were chatting about a collaborative digital business model, my nephew Chris challenged me with this statement “ I can't understand what the consumer gets for helping others though! ” I had just shared with him a business that raised $10m which allows people to help people for free.  I was rather hoping that his digital youthfulness was about to surprise me and provide me with a deep native understanding of being-digital and offer me some insights to the future; but his mind has already been corrupted by out of date, but classical business/ marketing, education. As we continued to debate digital first as I structured out an update to classical marketing, as is set out below. There is an awful lot written and taught about the traditional 1960’s marketing mix tool which is commonly known as the 4, 5, 6, 7 and even 8 P’s of marketing. A quick read of Wikipedia gives all the basics.  A re-write that never really caught on in the 1990s was