
How algorithms changed the world!


Global survey of experts predicts the biggest privacy issues for 2013 @privacysurgeon

Source:   Global survey of experts predicts the biggest privacy issues for 2013as mobile apps, mobile geo-location and data aggregation “Predictions for Privacy”, which surveyed more than 180 regulators, legal experts and privacy professionals from 19 countries identifies the key trends and major issues that are likely to emerge over the coming year. The report was compiled by the Privacy Surgeon and has been published by LSE Enterprise, the commercial and professional arm of the London School of Economics. It warns of a possible crisis of confidence over online privacy. The report warns that the exploitation of personal information by governments and corporations has tested the limits of public tolerance. The aim of the project was to establish a framework to identify the likely trends and events that would shape public policy and media reporting in the privacy realm over...

The OnLife manifesto - being human in a hyperconnected era

Source: This Manifesto aims to launch an open debate on the impacts of the computational era on public spaces, politics and societal expectations toward policymaking in the Digital Agenda for Europe’s remit. More broadly, this Manifesto2 aims to start a reflection on the way in which a hyperconnected world calls for rethinking the referential frameworks on which policies are built.

Children and Facebook: As Told by Parents


The Digital World of teens


Future Identities: Changing identities in the UK - the next 10 years

Future Identities: Changing identities in the UK – the next 10 years DR 5: How will surveillance and privacy technologies impact on the psychological notions of identity Ian Brown. Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford. January 2013 “This review has been commissioned as part of the UK Government’s Foresight project, Future Identities: Changing identities in the UK – the next 10 years . The views expressed do not represent policy of any government or organisation.” You can download it   here   (pdf). Brown does not address how the use of pseudonyms for some online activities and real names for other purposes might impact psychological notions of identity. Does it give individuals a stronger sense of their social identities or does it negatively impact identity while possibly reducing discrimination or other adverse consequences of surveillance? Does the use of pseudonyms to protect privacy allow the benefits of online interactions in identity development...

Turning openness into a competitive advantage @vision mobile

Source: Turning openness into a competitive advantage - full PDF report here . “Open” can mean different things to different people. Standardization and interoperability (a form of openness) were among the key factors that allowed mobile telephony and SMS to scale and achieve ubiquitous cross-carrier capabilities. As long as telephony and SMS were tightly integrated with telecom networks, interoperability of services between telecom operators meant interoperability of networks. For example, for SMS and MMS to work across operator boundaries, networks of different operators must interoperate at the service layer. The transition to IP made services independent of networks and changed this fundamental assumption. IP has become a universal interoperability layer between transport networks, while interoperability at the service layer took on a totally new meaning. For example, Whatsapp could displace much of SMS and MMS traffic and achieve huge gl...