
Who determines whose interests are best served by a machine?

  In this blog I looked at algorithms and bias and asked who is in control …. I asked a rhetorical question " So the question is not if you can become an algorithm but how accurate can an algorithm model you! " Just thinking further on this topic and what is the order in which my interests should be best severed? ·         My as an individual - I code for myself based on my data and my desired outcomes - allows me to mis-represent myself ·         Me as a group of link minded people - we test the algorithm to determine if I (we) like or dislike the implied outcomes and they are refined ·         An organisation acts on my behalf to determine if harm is done and sets guide lines (best working practices) ·         A government sets up a regulatory body to provide guidance and enforce law ·         A programmer who is outside of my jurisdiction does what they like ·         A company who is outside of my control

My mums 2013 solution for digital security....

If your workplace has been assessed and determined to be at a low level of risk, the following method is recommended to ensure no one can see your passwords or what you're typing:           For a moderate level of risk, this method ensures no one can see your passwords, what you're typing, or which website you're visiting.....             For a high level of risk, this method ensures ultimate security:       Be safe out there people .

API First: Connect Business, Mobile, Cloud


Algorithms - is anyone in control?

  Image source:     I have written nearly 30 posts about Algorithms as they are the foundation of your computing interactions and you are influenced by them. The data that you leave (willingly or not), is your digital footprint and is the basis of what an algorithm knows about you and how you can be modelled to a known data set. Data about you generated by others helps refine and confirm how well I have been able to model you and your preferences. An algorithm is, according to Wikipedia, is a step-by-step procedure for calculations. Algorithms are used for  calculation ,  data processing , and  automated reasoning .   A starting point is Dan Ariely’s work, ( Truth , Predictably Irrational , Behaviour , Desire Engines ) – from this direction you will conclude that we are creatures of habit and habits can be modelled and coded into an algorithm.  Therefore you are not as irrational as you think and it is possible with a degree of probability to

The Truth About Dishonesty - distance between digital and reality

Are you more honest than a banker? Under what circumstances would you lie, or cheat, and what effect does your deception have on society at large? Dan Ariely, one of the world's leading voices on human motivation and behaviour is the latest big thinker to get the RSA Animate treatment.  Taken from a lecture given at the RSA in July 2012 . Watch the longer talk here 

John Maeda: How art, technology and design inform creative leaders

John Maeda, President of the Rhode Island School of Design, delivers a funny and charming talk that spans a lifetime of work in art, design and technology, concluding with a picture of creative leadership in the future. Watch for demos of Maeda’s earliest work -- and even a computer made of people.

How Much Are You Worth To Mark Zuckerberg?
