
Sentiment Analysis of the #Bible

This visualization explores the ups and downs of the Bible narrative, using sentiment analysis to quantify when positive and negative events are happening: Source:

Majority of Consumers See No Benefit in Sharing Personal Data

Source :   74% percent of American and Canadian consumers said they don’t feel they’re receiving a benefit from sharing personal information with marketers, according to the latest survey research from  LoyaltyOne . Just 52% said they somewhat or strongly agree with the statement that companies use their personal data “so they can better serve me.” Breaking down the somewhat and strongly agree responders, only 9% said they strongly agree that companies use their information to serve them better.  Hardly more encouraging, 54% said they expect improved customer service in exchange for their data, and 55% said they expect access to exclusive events or offers. Toronto-based LoyaltyOne, a global provider of loyalty strategies, customer analytics and relationship marketing services, completed online surveys in July...

Consumer futures 2020 scenarios and the need for your local data

Source: For me : how will local data be critical for these scenarios to come true? 4 Scenarios. In order to create our scenarios we took what we see as the two least certain trends with the greatest impact on the future of the consumer goods industry: Prosperous vs Less prosperous – by 2020 will our economy be flourishing or subdued? Do-it-yourself vs Do-it-for-me – will consumers take the initiative to satisfy their needs or expect brands to do this for them? We used these to create a two-by-two matrix, which in turn enabled us to create the scenarios exploring how these trends could play out, as illustrated along the axes. In ‘My way’, mainstream consumers buy locally, strengthening their local economies. Vertical farming is widespread, producing more food per unit of land. Sustainable living is high-tech and easy; products such as the personal energy micr...

To Track or 'Do Not Track' - That Is the Question

Source: Worth reading …..

Nokia Near Field Communications and privacy study project

Project outline A research team from LSE investigated how information generated by customers of mobile services is being used and whether customers' behaviour is affected by concerns about privacy. The use of NFC in public transport ticketing schemes, such as the Oyster card in London and the Octopus card in Hong Kong, and applications in retailing will provide case studies for the research. The team will also look at the regulations and policies governing Near Field Communications (NFC) in Europe and Asia and consider the incentives and barriers to the commercial development of NFC.  Project launch press release . New mobile technologies - Privacy and policy, threats and opportunities .  Audio recording of the event . Final report Near Field Communications; Privacy, Regulation & Business Models  (PDF 800KB) A white paper of the LSE/Nokia research collaboration by Jonathan Liebenau, Silvia Elaluf-Calderwood, Patrik Karrberg and Gus Hosein (October...

Infographic: The Bitter History of Facebook Failures

Source : Lesson : you would be amazed what you can get away with !

All data has a value - even the data about the waves

Liquid Robotics Inc. The company developed an unmanned seagoing craft propelled by the power of ocean waves, a system that allows it to remain at sea for long stretches. The craft, called a Wave Glider, consists of a surface buoy and a submerged glider with wing-shaped panels. It converts the up-and-down motion of waves into forward thrust, propelling the buoy indefinitely without relying on batteries or other power sources. Where Are They Now? After hiring a new chief executive and raising $22 million in June, Liquid Robotics has decided to focus on selling the data the robots provide, rather than the product itself. The company has embarked on a wide range of projects, among them pipeline monitoring, acoustics, mammal studies and oil-leak detection. One of its biggest current projects involves mapping new northern shipping lanes in North America. Liquid Robotics has picked up new oil and gas clients in addition to  BP  PLC last year. It is also in talks with wind-fa...