
I am not sure if the word "Could" is a helpful word or not.

Yesterday I had a long debate with a security expert about digital footprints, privacy, data, security, value and risk.  I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that "could", when used by the security and privacy profession, is used as a negative word that fuels fear, uncertainty and doubt. If you start from a premise that anything could happen, even in your wildest dreams than a statement that starts with "could" is all to often a specific state or reason why you should not do something.   Security is surly a balance between usability and lockdown, in much the same way as freedom is a balance between open and frustration. "Could" raises the possibility of a scenario which is hard to deal with. "Could" is probable, but doesn't define risk or propensity.  "Could" is a good consultancy business model if you want to buy every reason why innovation, creativity and invention are bad and ugly "Could" often is used with

would you like your voice search to be added to your digital footprint? comments welcome on blog

one of the joys of the android phone and some other services is "voice search" Applications are as obvious as: - sitting in the kitchen needing to convert lbs to Kg, hands are dirty, but you can use voice search to find out - driving along and needing to find directions or a phone number - leaving a voice reminder to do some action later However, would you feel the same about this (voice oriented) data and the search results being added to your digital footprint as one you typed in.  I am starting to explore why we feel differently about our voice conversations than typed data.   If adverting appeared for a kitchen scale conversion on your TV after your searched would you mind? All views welcome.

rekoop - company has a services called digital footprint that records your time and actions

Image rekoop™ is a company who wants to record everything you do their Digital Footprint tool is the new way to capture time passively or proactively. It monitors activity on the desktop and records the time you spend using your applications. Essentially t his is a desktop application for "laywers" or anyone who wants to record their time and activities (remember those time and motion studies)

rekoop - company has a services called digital footprint that records your time and actions

Image rekoop™ is a company who wants to record everything you do their Digital Footprint tool is the new way to capture time passively or proactively. It monitors activity on the desktop and records the time you spend using your applications. Essentially t his is a desktop application for "laywers" or anyone who wants to record their time and activities (remember those time and motion studies)

rekoop - company has a services called digital footprint that records your time and actions

Image rekoop™ is a company who wants to record everything you do their Digital Footprint tool is the new way to capture time passively or proactively. It monitors activity on the desktop and records the time you spend using your applications. Essentially t his is a desktop application for "laywers" or anyone who wants to record their time and activities (remember those time and motion studies)

your recycled phone knows everything about you

Don’t forget to do a factory reset before you pass it on – or you will compromise your identity, privacy, security, reputation ……

measurement : observations to remove uncertainity

Thinking about how to measure trust – starting with how to measure, which is an observation.  Therefore what observations will help me determine trust?