What is the purpose of data? V2
We continually move towards better data-led decisions; however, we can easily ask our dataset’s wrong question. Without understanding “What is the purpose of data” on which we are basing decisions and judgements, it is easy to get an answer that is not in the data. How can we understand if our direction, Northstar or decision is a good one? Why am I interested in this? I am focusing on how we improve governance and oversight in a data-led world. I wrote a lengthy article on Data is Data. It was a kickback at the analogies that data is oil, gold, labour, sunlight - data is not. Data is unique; it has unique characteristics. That article concluded that the word “Data” is also part of the problem, but we should think of data as if discovering a new element with unique characteristics. Data is a word, and it is part of the problem. Data doesn’t have meaning or shape, and data will not have meaning unless we can give it context. As Theodora Lau eloquently put it; if her kiddo gets